Flawed gem - Diablo Wiki
Flawed Gems (Flawsies) are the 2nd rank of gem, with the second lowest bonuses to items. These gems begin to drop from targets around level 20, who will sometimes drop Chippies as well.
Gems | Cisco's Rpg Wiki | Fandom
Most gems come in 6 levels of rarity, with the stats increasing per level: Cracked, Chipped, Flawed, Gem, Flawless, Perfect. Gems are dropped from any mob, with a 4.5% chance for almost any from anywhere. They can also be found in loot chests.
Best place to farm flawed gems? : r/diablo2 - Reddit
Apparently for flawed gems, your best bet is normal Trav. For Lem runes directly it's Hell Countess, but you could also have luck in Arcane Sanctuary, Chaos Sanctuary or Cows in Hell.
Gems (Diablo II) - Diablo Wiki
Gems can be found in any of five qualities: Chipped, Flawed, Normal, Flawless and Perfect, from lowest to highest. While lower qualities are often used to enhance your own gear early in the game, cubing and trading is generally restricted to Perfect Gems.
有瑕宝石 (Flawed Gem) - [GTM]格雷科技现代版 (GregTechCEu …
有瑕宝石 (Flawed Gem)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组 [GTM]格雷科技现代版 (GregTechCEu Modern),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD下载。
微瑕的宝石 (Flawed Gem) - [TFC:TNG]群峦传说:次 ... - MC百科
略微有一点瑕疵的宝石,通过开采 未加工石头 或使用洗矿槽洗矿时概率获得(除了微瑕的钻石,它需要通过研磨 金伯利岩 获得),无其他用途。 1.18.2版本后,该系列物品被移除。 矿物词典: gemFlawedAgate (2), gemFlawed (28) 矿物词典: gemFlawedAmethyst (4), gemFlawed (28) 矿物词典: gemFlawedBeryl (2), gemFlawed (28) 矿物词典: gemFlawedDiamond (4), gemFlawed (28) 矿物词典: gemFlawedEmerald (4), gemFlawed (28) 矿物词典: gemFlawedGarnet (2), …
Good Places to Farm Chipped/Flawed Gems - PureDiablo
2008年10月23日 · I find Cows to be awesome for finding gems/low-level socketables/etc. Monster density is all that matters, really, long as your killspeed is good....if you want to ghostbust for it, then do the black tower, you get plenty of packs of ghosts, and no abyss to negate drops like in the arcane sanc.
What's the best way to farm chipped gems? - Reddit
2021年10月27日 · Cows and chaos and other popular density areas have higher level monster, so you'll get a bunch of flawed gems. For chipped, stick with arcane sanctuary or tombs.
Flawed Gem | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
The Flawed Gem is a Key Item found inside the En Jhou ruins. Once it is gained, it allows Ryu to transform into the Mutant dragon form, which can be upgraded into Punk with sufficient Game Points.
D2R chipped/flawed gems : r/diablo2 - Reddit
2021年10月13日 · By the time you get to high rune cubing you'll probably have enough random gems just lying around. I'm usually in need of chipped emeralds for Hels so I can keep rolling …