Feeding the Flock - Penn State Extension
2023年1月3日 · Listed below are some guidelines on feeding the flock. Because a ewe's feed requirements change as her reproductive status changes, there are several distinct feeding periods. The rations below are designed to keep feed costs at a minimum, while supplying all the necessary nutrients required by the ewe.
Flock ewe - definition of flock ewe by The Free Dictionary
Define flock ewe. flock ewe synonyms, flock ewe pronunciation, flock ewe translation, English dictionary definition of flock ewe. n. 1. A group of animals that live, travel, or feed together. 2. A group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church....
To develop such a program, it is essential to first define goals for your operation. Goals might include weaning two lambs per ewe or producing maximal returns. The next component of a nutrition program is to understand the nutritional requirements of your ewe flock and how these change over a yearly production cycle.
Ewe Flock Nutrition | OSU Sheep Team
2024年6月25日 · Nutritional management is one of the most important aspects of sheep production. Ewes that are fed appropriately are more fertile, milk better and wean more lambs that grow faster (Figure 1). Not only do well-fed ewes wean more pounds of lamb per year, but they are healthier and more resistant to disease than ewes that are under nutritional stress.
Reproductive Management of the Ewe Flock and the Ram
2020年9月1日 · The ewe flock should have access to a free choice salt and mineral mixture. The mineral mix should be designed for sheep to prevent potential copper toxicity problems. Ewes that are healthy and fit during breeding are more likely to …
Does Your Flock Meet Your Performance Expectations? - Penn …
Let's look at each of these and how they impact flock production. Pregnancy Rate. Pregnancy rate = # of ewes pregnant ÷ number of ewes exposed to a ram X 100. This calculation looks very simple until you start to think about ewe flock changes throughout the year.
Understanding Sheep Banding Behavior - Berry Patch Farms
2024年5月20日 · There is a clear social hierarchy within a sheep flock, with each member occupying a certain rank (Kilgour, 2012). The top position belongs to the dominant ewe, who leads and protects the flock. This matriarch has preferential access to food, water, and shelter.
A Breeding Program for Fall Lambing | OSU Small Ruminant Team
2025年2月18日 · This procedure assures that the ewe lambs produced by the sires used first are from some of the more fertile and prolific ewes in the flock. About two years of permanently identifying the ewes that lamb first and produce twins will give the producer a basis for separating out the best ewes for producing replacements.
4.2 Early breeding of ewe lambs Early breeding of female lambs is an important method of intensifying sheep production in the self-replacing flock because it can increase the annual flock output, reduce the unproductive phase and thus overhead costs, facilitate selection programmes and also increase total lifetime productivity.
Determining the Most Efficient Ewe Size for Your Operation
2022年11月15日 · Pasture stocking rates, ewe productivity, feed efficiency and lamb values all play a part in determining what size ewe is most efficient for a particular operation. So, take a closer look at your farm records to sort through the pieces of the puzzle that determine what size is best for your operation.
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