HobbyKing FlyBeam Review - RC Groups
2014年3月26日 · The FlyBeam and the T-SIX are shown here in the pits just before the maiden flights. I like to taxi from the flight line to the runway whenever possible to get a feel of a model's ground handling. Between plenty of rudder throw and those smooth rolling mains, the FlyBeam's ground handling was superb.
Flybeam Night Flyer EPP - RC Groups
2014年1月20日 · The Flybeam from Hobbyking.com is a high-wing EPP airplane with pre-installed multi-colored LED lights and wingtip strobes. Designed to make the transition into night flying simple, the Flybeam requires minimal assembly and setup at the field; just plug in the wing LED connectors into the PCB board and you're ready to lay some streaks across ...
PRICE DROPED Flybeam hobby king, used flies well. price drop …
2024年6月29日 · PRICE JUST DROPPED ANOTHER Has to go I need the room. NOW 50.00 Super bright Hobby king Flybeam Just add your battery and receiver. Has flashing wing tips red and green strobes and the colors change and rotate in the cowling you pick the colors via a button. flies great and is super visible. quick to take off and easy to land.
Flybeam Night Flyer - RC Groups
2024年7月10日 · HobbyKing Flybeam Night Flyer, 42 inch wingspan, 131 high intensity LED's, wing tip strobe lights. Great flying little plane that lights up the sky at night. Giving it away for $50.00
Flybeam from Hobbyking - RC Groups
2017年3月2日 · The Flybeam from Hobbyking.com is a high-wing EPP airplane with pre-installed multi-colored LED lights and wingtip strobes. Designed to make the transition into night flying simple, the Flybeam requires minimal assembly and setup at the field; just plug in the wing LED connectors into the PCB board and you're ready to lay some streaks across ...
Hobbyking Flybeam - RC Groups
2014年5月29日 · HobbyKing Flybeam Night Flyer Kit, Brand New: Johnbalz: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 0: Apr 01, 2017 10:18 AM: Sold: HobbyKing Flybeam Night Flyer Kit, Brand New: Johnbalz: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 1: Mar 29, 2017 04:56 PM: Sold: Flybeam from Hobbyking: NCNeal: Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W) 0: Mar …
HobbyKing Flybeam Night Flyer - RC Groups
2016年10月2日 · Discussion HobbyKing Flybeam Night Flyer R/C Blogs
Flybeam Night Flyer EPP - Page 22 - RC Groups
2014年2月23日 · Page 22-News Flybeam Night Flyer EPP Electric Plane Talk
H-King Flybeam Night Flyer EPP w/LED System 1092mm (PNF)
2019年4月30日 · Sold H-King Flybeam Night Flyer EPP w/LED System 1092mm (PNF) Electric RC Airplanes (FS/W)
T-28 still for sale! Update: Flybeam and su29mm sold!
2018年1月1日 · Hey guys, im selling my parkzone T-28, eflite SU-29, and the flybeam night flyer. I would really like to sell them all in one package. I need room in the garage to build some racks for my current airplanes. I built flaps for the t28 and works very well, all planes come with everything you need besides receiver, transmitter, battery and charger.