fmpz.h – integers — FLINT 3.3.0-dev documentation
The fmpz module provides routines for memory management, basic manipulation and basic arithmetic. Unless otherwise specified, all functions in this section permit aliasing between …
fmpz_poly.h – univariate polynomials over the integers
fmpz_poly.h – univariate polynomials over the integers¶ Introduction¶ The fmpz_poly_t data type represents elements of \(\mathbb{Z}[x]\). The fmpz_poly module provides routines for memory …
fmpz – integers - python-flint 0.7.0a5 documentation
Converts self to a string, optionally in a non-decimal base and optionally showing only leading and trailing digits.
FLINT 库笔记 - 小时百科
fmpz 就是一个 slong. 当第二最重要 bit 为 0 就是一个普通的 slong 叫做 COEFF,绝对值最多有 FLINT_BITS - 2 bits. 当第二重要 bit 为 1 时,它代表一个指针(把 slong 左移 << 2 就是 …
flintlib/python-flint: Python bindings for Flint and Arb - GitHub
The roots method on fmpz_poly and fmpq_poly now return integer and rational roots respectively. To access complex roots on these types, use the complex_roots method. For acb_poly , both …
fmpz_mat.h – matrices over the integers — FLINT 3.3.0-dev …
fmpz_mat.h – matrices over the integers¶ The fmpz_mat_t data type represents dense matrices of multiprecision integers, implemented using fmpz vectors. No automatic resizing is …
fmpz_poly – polynomials over integers - python-flint 0.7.0a5 …
The fmpz_poly type represents dense univariate polynomials over the integers. Returns the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind T n (x) as an fmpz_poly. Returns the Chebyshev …
fmpz – integers — python-flint 0.3.0 documentation - Fredrik J
Converts self to a string, optionally in a non-decimal base and optionally showing only leading and trailing digits.
FLINT数论库用户指南 - CSDN文库
库中的核心数据类型fmpz可以处理任意精度的整数,这在密码学、编码理论、数学研究等领域非常有用。 通过fmpz,用户可以执行基本的算术操作,如加减乘除,以及比较、随机生成和内存 …
flint_sys::fmpz_mod_poly - Rust - Docs.rs
fmpz_mod_poly_compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded_pool ⚠