Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles - Wikipedia
The Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) are a series of military vehicles based upon a common chassis, varying by payload and mission requirements. The FMTV is derived from the Austrian Steyr 12M18 truck, but substantially modified to meet United States Army requirements. These include a minimum 50 percent U.S. content. [3] [4]
Army resumes testing for its family of medium tactical vehicles
2021年1月21日 · WASHINGTON — The Army has resumed product verification testing for the latest variant of its Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV), Wolfgang Petermann, project manager of transportation ...
FMTV A2 - Oshkosh Defense
Oshkosh Defense’s FMTV A2 enhances crew survivability with armored cabs, 3-point seat belts, automatic braking systems, and the Central Tire Inflation System (CTIS). The FMTV increases tactical mobility with a small enough footprint to be deployed via a C-5, C-17 or C-130 aircraft.
标准斯太尔风格的FMTV中型战术卡车 18年新款成了美式猪鼻长头 …
这款FMTV 6x6车身长7272毫米,宽2438毫米,高2830毫米,轴距4100毫米,整备重量(含燃油)11281千克,有效载重4536公斤,最大牵引重量9525公斤,车辆最大速度96公里/小时,油箱容量212升,最大续航483公里以上。 作为军用车辆越野能力是必备的,这款车最大爬坡60%坡度约为31度,边坡30%坡度约为16.7度,车辆搭载后冷式 卡特彼勒 C7重型6缸电喷涡轮增压柴油机,配艾里逊MD3700 SP手自一体7挡变速箱。 而2018年 豪士科 供应的新一代FMTV A2卡车居然 …
美军多样化军用卡车家族概述 - 百家号
Oshkosh Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV)
2017年11月24日 · Oshkosh Defence developed the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) to meet a range of mission needs of the US Army combat support initiative. The FMTV can be used to transport troops and supplies, and recover disabled vehicles and weapon systems, as well as for line-haul operations.
Oshkosh Defense To Continue Next Gen HEMTT A3 Research
2008年12月15日 · The HEMTT A3 was designed to help transform the Army’s tactical vehicle fleet and support modularity. It features advanced vehicle technology and a 13-ton payload capacity, making it ideally suited for the Army’s logistics support missions.
The US Army FMTV Military Truck Family - TankNutDave.com
The HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) mounts a highly capable weapons system to the FMTV platform that is capable of C-130 delivery, roll-off and firing within five minutes and then reloading onto the aircraft for rapid deployment.
Oshkosh lands Army’s next-gen Medium Tactical Vehicles contract
2018年2月8日 · “Oshkosh’s FMTV A2 design features parts commonality that results in streamlined maintenance, training, sustainment and overall cost efficiency for our customer,” Pat Williams, vice president and...
AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel - GlobalSecurity.org
AN/MPQ-64 A3 Enhanced Sentinel Radar System is the only 360-degree coverage air defense radar in the Army’s current inventory and features a 3 D X-Band phased array antenna that provides an ...