Fns-9c - Survivalist Forum
2015年3月13日 · Well I finally sold my FNS-40 and managed to pick up the new FNS-9C. I had been considering switching over to 9mm for a while especially since my wife's CCW is a 9mm. Once I saw this at a LGS I diced to go ahead and sell off my .40 and all the .40 ammo I had. Picked up the Compact 9 today and I...
Interested in opinions: Glock 9mm vs FNS 9 | Survivalist Forum
2016年7月7日 · There are a lot of hardcore guys at the range I go to. None of them dislike the Glock 9mm, but each of their favorite guns were not Glocks (although they all had one or two). One guy said, "A Glock is like a Civic, it will last forever and …
I bought a new FNS 40 today and my Glock 23 is sad.. - Survivalist …
2015年4月17日 · The FNS is smaller in grip to my XDM but the difference in slide and barrel are thousandsth of an inch. . They both feel pretty close with the smaller backstraps. The FNS standard is much more comparable to the Glock 19/23 than the 17/22. I looked at the FNS 40 and 9 compact and I don't like them but I don't like any sub compact pistols..
Knife, gun or both? | Page 7 | Survivalist Forum
2017年9月11日 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in
Life Expectancy? - Survivalist Forum
2015年9月24日 · Firearms and Other Weapons Forum. Firearms General Discussion. Pistol and Revolver Forum
M&P firing pin problem; really that bad? | Survivalist Forum
2011年12月25日 · Iv'e had the 9c for almost a year now and have probably dry fired it at least a couple thousand times with no issues at all. I'm not real concerned with any firing pin probs since the interbuz is the only place Iv'e read about it and then only a few times.
What's a fair price for a Browning Hi Power 9 mm?
2014年6月29日 · The price of a Browning Hi-power is often determined by where it is made. The most expensive and collectible Hi-powers, are the one's that are made in Belgium.
SHTF: Primary long gun and full size handgun or...
2020年2月8日 · A buddy of mine are discussing the advantages/ disadvantages via both routes to take, and would be interested on what folks here thought about it as well. Advantages of carrying a full size handgun along with primary rifle: ( A few examples) 1. A secondary weapon as " backup" to primary long...
Which Is The Best AMERICAN Made Semi-Auto 9mm Pistol?
2011年12月30日 · Feel free to be bias if youd like, though some 'reason' would be nice to read. And clearly 'best' is very subjective....maybe it should be said that it is designed very well, or very accurate, or most reliable in a home defense situation....those may be better criteria to define 'best' American 9mm.
Black bear protection, 9mm | Survivalist Forum
2023年9月16日 · The 9mm from Buffalo Bore which has been used or the Underwood Penetrators I would go for head or spine if possible or whatever if shot placement becomes a challenge