XSL-FO 1.1 fo:table - Complete documentation and samples
fo:table-footer [0..1] A table footer. fo:table-body [1..*] A table body. A pointer back to the original XML document (s) used to create this formatting object tree, in accordance with the Dublin Core definition of "Source" ("A Reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived."
XSL-FO 表格 - 菜鸟教程
<fo:table> 元素包含可选的 <fo:table-column> 元素,一个可选的 <fo:table-header> 元素,一个 <fo:table-body> 元素,一个可选的 <fo:table-footer> 元素。 这些元素中的每一个都可能拥有一个或多个 <fo:table-row> 元素,而 <fo:table-row> 同时会带有一个或多个 <fo:table-cell> 元素:
XSL-FO Tables - SinSiXX
XSL-FO uses the <fo:table-and-caption> element to define a table. It contains a < fo:table > and an optional <fo:caption> element. The <fo:table> element contains optional <fo:table-column> elements, an optional <fo:table-header> element, a <fo:table-body> element, and an optional <fo:table-footer> element.
XSL-FO 表格 - w3school 在线教程
XSL-FO 表格模型与 HTML 表格模型是非常不同的。 XSL-FO 使用 <fo:table-and-caption> 元素来定义表格。 它包含一个 <fo:table> 以及一个可选的 <fo:caption> 元素。 这些元素中的每一个都可能拥有一个或多个 <fo:table-row> 元素,而 <fo:table-row> 同时会带有一个或多个 <fo:table-cell> …
XSL-FO table 对象 - 菜鸟教程
<fo:table> 对象用于格式化表格的表格式材料。 <fo:table> 对象包含了可选的 <fo:table-column> 对象、一个可选的 <fo:table-header> 对象、一个 <fo:table-body> 对象,以及一个可选的 <fo:table-footer> 对象。
XSL Formatting Objects Summary - World Wide Web …
The fo:table-footer has fo:table-row (one or more) as its children, or alternatively fo:table-cell (one or more). In the latter case cells are grouped into rows using the starts-row and ends-row properties.
XSL-FO 1.1 fo:table-cell - Complete documentation and samples
For an fo:table-cell it specifies the number of the first column to be spanned by the table-cell. The initial value is the current column-number. For the first table-cell in a table-row, the current column number is 1.
XSL-FO table-cell 对象 - 菜鸟教程
XSL-FO table-cell 对象 XSL-FO 参考手册 定义和用法 <fo:table-cell> 对象是一个包含表格单元格内容的容器。 语法 <fo:table-cell> <!-- Contents: (block|block-container| table-and-caption|table|list-block)+..
XML technologies | XSL-FO - Tables: data2type GmbH
<fo:table> is the central (the top) and obligatory element for generating a table. It has an optional column definition (<fo:table-column>), one or several optional header and footer table characters, (<fo:table-header> and <fo:table-footer>), and the obligatory table body (<fo:table-body>).
XSL-FO Table fixed height - Stack Overflow
2012年6月29日 · In FOP you need to work on the <fo:table-cell individually, for heights, font-size...etc. You need to do the following: Take your notes on the space you will provide for the table for each page; Calculate the number of rows of the table that can be fitted in that space