Fokker E.I - Wikipedia
The Fokker E.I was the first fighter aircraft to enter service with the Fliegertruppe of the Deutsches Heer in World War I. Its arrival at the front in mid-1915 marked the start of a period known as the "Fokker Scourge" during which the E.I and its successors achieved a measure of air superiority over the Western Front.
Fokker E.III - Wikipedia
The Fokker E.III was the main variant of the Eindecker (literally meaning "one wing") fighter aircraft of World War I. It entered service on the Western Front in December 1915 and was also supplied to Austria-Hungary and Turkey.
福克E單翼戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
福克E單翼戰鬥機(德文:Fokker Eindecker)是由在 第一次世界大戰 時為 德意志帝國 服務的荷蘭 福克公司 研發,其中Eindecker是指單翼機的意思。 福克E單翼戰鬥機原本是法國 莫蘭-索尼耶H單翼機 的仿製型,因此兩者外表很相似,但福克E單翼戰鬥機的機身內部結構改為鋼管焊接並在主翼內部前方位置加上補強骨架,其主翼也因此比較厚,起落架加上避震器以利在前線的臨時機場起降。
Fokker Eindecker fighters - Wikipedia
The Fokker Eindecker fighters were a series of German World War I monoplane single-seat fighter aircraft designed by Dutch engineer Anthony Fokker. [2]
Fokker E.III Eindecker - Military Aviation Museum
The Eindeckers were designed and constructed as a single seat- single wing reconnaissance aircraft by Fokker. During WW1, aircraft performing this function were called “scouts”.
福克E.Ⅲ单翼战斗机 - 百度百科
福克E的最大特点是安装有世界独创的“射击协调器”。 它的问世使前射的枪弹第一次能够穿过前方 螺旋桨 的旋转面,使射击轴线能尽可能靠近机身中心线,从而大大提高了命中率。 1915年5月23日,在福克E为德国皇太子作了飞行表演后不久,E.Ⅰ和E.Ⅱ型于6、7月间相继交付部队使用。 8月起,又在各 飞行中队 里各配备E.Ⅲ型1~2架,开始为己方的双座飞机提供护航。 9月1日,著名的 空战能手 殷麦曼 驾驶该机首次击落一架偷袭杜埃机场的英国轰炸机,这是军用机向争夺制空 …
Fokker E III Eindecker (reproduction) - San Diego Air & Space …
The Fokker Eindecker was a German World War I monoplane single-seat fighter aircraft designed by German engineer Anthony Fokker. Developed in April 1915, the Eindecker was the first German fighter aircraft fitted with a synchronizer gear; this enabled the pilot to fire a machine gun through the arc of the propeller without striking the blades.
福克E单翼战斗机 (德文:Fokker Eindecker)是由在 第一次世界大战 时为德意志帝国服务的荷兰福克公司研发,其中Eindecker是指单翼机的意思。 福克E.Ⅲ是 德国 东部的福克飞机厂于1913年开始研制,1914年5月试飞成功的福克E型战斗机是最成功的第三种改型,最大特点是安装有世界独创的“射击协调器”。 产量占总产量的三分之二。 它的问世使前射的枪弹第一次能够穿过前方螺旋桨的旋转面,使射击轴线能尽可能靠近机身中心线,从而大大提高了命中率。 著名的空战能手殷麦 …
Fokker E.III Reproduction - The Museum of Flight
The Fokker E.III Eindecker ("single wing") deserves a significant place in aviation history, not necessarily because of its aerial prowess, but because it was the first combat aircraft in the world to be equipped with a forward-firing, fixed machine …
Fokker E.I - Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
The Aerodrome’s Fokker E.I is a reproduction that was built by Robert Sebring in the 1980s and purchased by Cole Palen in the early 1990s. During the sales negotiations, it was involved in a taxiing mishap which destroyed the landing gear, rudder and nose.