Ford 340B - understanding hydraulic system - Tractor Forum
2022年12月17日 · Hello, new to owning a tractor and slowly familiarizing myself with the fluid/maintenance procedures. I am having an issue with understanding the proper amount and way to change the hydraulic fluid even with looking at the manuals that I purchased and downloaded. I am wondering if the hydraulic...
Ford 340B 3pt hiccups - Tractor Forum
2021年10月21日 · I am looking for a little guidance on which seals might be causing my slight pulse/hiccup on my 340B. I have an 87 Ford 340B industrial tractor with 3pt lift. I have owned the tractor for over a year and used it quite a bit during that time. The 3pt has had a slight pulse/hiccup about every 5...
Ford 340b steering hydraulics - Tractor Forum
2021年5月11日 · 340b leaking. Looks bad to me but I’m a novice on tractors. Anyone identify the specific problem here and maybe guide me to a fix? It’s not the lines. Leaking heavy from above near the case split
Ford 340B Loader gear grinding - Tractor Forum
2009年1月11日 · I have a Ford 340 B industrial tractor loader (about the same as a 4000 Ford). When I first crank the tractor the transmission shifts fine, as the tractor warms up it is impossible to shift the gears without grinding them and gets worse the longer the tractor is …
Ford 340b clutch issues - Tractor Forum
2021年10月5日 · Hey guys, i purchased this tractor two years ago with 1600 hours on it. I have used it from time to time doing odd jobs around the house. I had it parked for a few months and went to move it on day and with the clutch depressed it wouldnt slow down the transmission. Would it be possible...
Ford 340b compatibility - Tractor Forum
2021年10月14日 · A little newer than I'm used to but I'm thinking it would be similar to a 4600 or 4610 ag model for which there is lots of info out there. Because it is an industrial it may have some differences of course. Maybe a smaller engine? Different transmission options. PTO was optional, 3 point hitch optional, heavy, non adjustable front axle. But it is still based on the old 1965-75 3 cyl 4000 ...
340b problems wiring new instrument cluster - Tractor Forum
2020年8月16日 · I recently acquired a Ford 340b industrial tractor with a non-working instrument cluster. All the gauges including the tach just pulsated and erratically moved up and down.
Fuel injection pump question for 1980 ford 340... - Tractor Forum
2023年3月3日 · I need a new injection pump for around 1980 ford 340industrial tractor with a three cylinder diesel. I can find the DPA number’s matching until I get to the 880 Does the last three numbers matter? Can someone explain the other information on the tag.
Newbie with 340 - Tractor Forum
2017年10月21日 · i inheareted property that included a Ford 340 tractor. It starts and runs but the power steering is intermittent. I’m new to tractors, how do I check power steering fluid? Also, I don’t find a hydraulic reservoir, how do I check hyd. Fluid? Thanks in …
Ford 3400 1974 Hydraulic fluid level. - Tractor Forum
2022年11月3日 · This manual is for Ford industrial tractors models 3400, 3500, 3550, 4400, and 4500.