Administrative Processing Information - Travel
What does a visa refusal under section 221 (g) mean? A visa refusal under section 221 (g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) means the applicant did not establish eligibility for a visa to the satisfaction of the consular officer, as is required under …
Guide to 221(g) Visa Document Submission Process - VisaVerge
2024年3月31日 · A 221(g) letter signifies a temporary visa hold, requiring further documentation. It's crucial to respond quickly by submitting additional documents within a year to prevent application suspension. Properly preparing and delivering these documents to the nearest collection office, with the process typically concluding with document return, is ...
What is Section 221g? Color Slips | White, Blue, Yellow, Pink
2023年1月16日 · The U.S. issues a white slip to a visa applicant when it falls under the complex category of section 221(g). This is usually because you did not provide enough or required evidence during your visa interview. Therefore, your case will require additional processing by USCIS based on the documentation and information that USCIS receives.
你被Check了?解读221(g)条款下的行政审核Administrative …
按照签证官给出221(g)行政审理单上的要求,提交相应信息和补充材料(比较常见的补充材料,如:个人的详细简历、详细日程安排等); 如果领事馆没有要求申请人补充材料,耐心等待行政审核并保持个人或单位电话畅通。
What is US Visa Refusal under 221(g)? Passport Returned
2024年12月20日 · This article will review all the details around US visa refusal under section 221(g), what administrative processing is, what to expect, how long it can take, what the color of the 221g form indicates, and other common FAQs.
美国非移民签证221(g)行政审理程序及对策 - 知乎
美国移民法INA221(g)规定了拒发签证的情况,它笼统地规定了如果申请不符合相关法律要求就会被拒签。 它在实践中经常被作为要求补充材料、 背景调查 和安全调查的理由。
美国签证221 (g):深入解析签证补充材料流程
2024年6月27日 · 根据领事官员的要求,提交221(g)文件主要有两种方式:电子邮件提交和到就近的中信银行提交。 如果领事官员要求通过电子邮件提交补充材料,申请人应按照信函中的指示,将所需文件扫描或拍照后发送至指定邮箱。
221(g) Administrative Processing Explained | 2024 Update
2024年8月20日 · Check out this guide to learn about the best way to handle a 221g denial, common reasons for refusal, and recommended tips. Processing Delays: Many embassies are experiencing significant delays in administrative processing due to a backlog of applications and technical issues on their websites.
Understanding 221g and Administrative Processing for U.S. Visas
If you recently applied for a U.S. visa and were denied under “221g” or “administrative processing,” this column is for you. The consul that interviewed you needs more information or documentation before they can make a final decision on your visa. Sometimes, they need to finish reviewing the available information before closing your case.
Decoding 221(g) Notices: What Each Color Means for Your Visa!
2024年3月31日 · A 221(g) Notice from U.S. embassies indicates a temporary visa refusal, needing more documents or further processing. Each color—blue for additional documentation, green and pink for administrative processing, yellow for pending decisions—signals specific next steps for applicants.