Form 4L: Blazing Fast Large-Format Resin 3D Printer
Form 4L is a blazing-fast large-format SLA 3D printer with a reliable, accurate print engine to turn your biggest ideas into reality.
Form 4L:极快速的大幅面树脂 3D 打印机
Form 4L 是一款打印速度极快的大幅面 SLA 3D 打印机,配备可靠准确的打印引擎,帮助您实现伟大创意。
Formlabs Form 4L 正式发布-重新定义大尺寸SLA 3D打印 - 知乎
10月16日,Formlabs宣布新一代大幅面SLA 3D打印机 Form 4L正式发布。 将 Form 4 的速度、精度和可靠性都提升到了一个全新的高度。 新一代大尺寸SLA 3D打印旗舰 Form 4L拥有与 Form 4 和生物相容性版本 Form 4B 相同…
Formlabs® Form 4L - Proto3000
Form 4L. Big Parts. Blazing Fast. Form 4L’s speed is driven by Formlabs’ Low Force Display™ Print Engine, a powerful combination of ultra-high power LEDs, collimating lenses, optical filters, and a robust liquid crystal display. Together, they cure each resin layer rapidly — regardless of part size or quantity.
Formlabs Form 4L Basic Package - MatterHackers
The Formlabs Form 4L is an mSLA resin 3D printer designed for fast and precise prototyping and production on a large-format scale. It features a spacious build volume of 353×196×350mm, allowing for large projects to be printed quickly, often in …
Formlabs Form 4L – 3DZ
Print large-format parts at lightning speed with Form 4L. Powered by Formlabs' state-of-the-art Low Force Display™ print engine, Form 4L delivers outstanding speed, reliability, and print quality for prototype and end-use parts production.
Form 4L - 台灣天馬
Form 4L 是一款列印速度極快的大成型空間的 SLA 3D 列印機,它將業界領先的材料庫與可靠、準確的列印引擎相結合。 使用 Form 4L 系統,透過簡單的工作流程、領先的可靠性和令人驚嘆的零件質量,比以往更快地將您最偉大的想法變成現實。
Formlabs Form 4L Complete Package | Dynamism
The Form 4L is a high-speed large-format masked SLA 3D printer featuring an advanced materials library and a reliable print engine. It utilizes the Low Force Display™ Print Engine, which combines powerful LEDs, lenses, and filters to quickly cure resin layers, ensuring high accuracy and part quality regardless of size or quantity.
Formlabs form4L 大幅面高速光固化3d打印机-呈形数字技术
Formlabs 正式推出 Form 4L。 其将 Formlabs 树脂打印机的强大功能与 MSLA 技术的速度相结合,6 小时内即可完成大多数打印。 Form 4L 基于 Formlabs 的新一代 Low Force Display™ 打印引擎,面向任何规模的原型制造和生产客户,为其带来极高的速度、可靠性和打印质量。
Quick Start Guide (Form 4L) - support.formlabs.com
This guide illustrates the various components of the Form 4L, the initial setup, and how to begin printing. Review the unboxing support article for more detailed instructions on how to unbox, install, and connect your Form 4L. Read and understand the instruction manual and its safety instructions before using the Form 4L.