Inline XBRL - SEC.gov
Inline XBRL is a structured data language that allows filers to prepare a single document that is both human-readable and machine-readable, so that filers need only prepare one Inline XBRL document rather than generate an HTML document of their financial statement information or risk/return summary information and then tag a copy of the data to ...
What is XBRL? | XBRL
XBRL makes it easy to compare information in multiple languages and from different countries, can enable automated analyses across many thousands of reports, and provides high-quality input for AI models. XBRL can connect companies directly with data users, providing verified information for precise analysis. It also increases the speed and ...
public this EDGAR Extensible Business Reporting Language (“XBRL”) Guide to assist filers with preparing submissions on EDGAR using XBRL. This guide should not be relied upon for any other purpose.
XBRL - Wikipedia
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a freely available global framework for exchanging business information. XBRL allows the expression of semantics commonly required in business reporting. The standard was originally based on XML, but now additionally supports reports in JSON and CSV formats, as well as the original XML-based syntax.
Disclosure of Payments By Resource Extraction Issuers
The rules require a resource extraction issuer to disclose the payment information annually by filing a Form SD on the SEC’s public database, EDGAR. An issuer must include the payment information in XBRL format in an exhibit to the form.
How the XBRL standard works
XBRL is the global standard for business data exchange. It makes reporting digital, and so makes data useful. XBRL provides a flexible framework for almost any kind of digital reporting. It is used in diverse reporting requirements, for all types of data, enabling business information to flow around the world. XBRL: the alphabet and grammar
XBRL International is a global not for profit operating in the public interest. Our purpose is to improve the accountability and transparency of business performance globally, by providing the open data exchange standard for business reporting.
XBRL (eXtensible business reporting language), a new global open standard for formatting financial information, is revolutionizing the way financial information is being reported. XBRL provides major benefits in the preparation, analysis, and communication of business information.
XBRL US - The national consortium for the business reporting …
XBRL US is a not-for-profit organization supporting the implementation of digital reporting standards for business and government through the development of taxonomies for use by U.S. public and private sectors, with a goal of interoperability between sectors, and by promoting XBRL adoption through marketplace collaboration.
What Is the XBRL Format and How Is It Used in Financial Reporting?
2025年2月23日 · In the United States, the SEC mandates that public companies file financial reports using the Inline XBRL (iXBRL) format, which integrates machine-readable tags directly into human-readable documents. This requirement applies to quarterly (Form 10-Q) and annual (Form 10-K) filings, as well as registration statements.