FOXP3 and Its Role in the Immune System | SpringerLink
FOXP3 is a member of the forkhead transcription factor family. Unlike other members, it is mainly expressed in a subset ofCD4+ T-cells that play a suppressive role in the immune system. A function of FOXP3 is to suppress the function of NFAT and NFKB and this leads...
FOXP3~+调节性T细胞稳定性的机理研究 - las.ac.cn
调节性t细胞中foxp3复合物解析及去泛素化酶usp22调控il2转录机理研究. 作者: 高雅懿; 出版年: 2014
The Biology of FoxP3: A Key Player in Immune Suppression
FoxP3 functions as a master of transcription for the development of regulatory T-cells (Treg cells) both in humans and in mice.
不同免疫器官来源的CD4+CD25+FoxP3+调节性T细胞移植对1型糖 …
2017年9月4日 · FoXP3是叉头样转录因子家族中 分化发育受转录因子FoxP3调控,用携带FoXP3逆转录病毒载体向na[veCD4+细胞 细胞发育和功能维持的重要调节基剧丌。RT.PCR检测发现胸腺或外周组织的 CD4+C助+Treg细胞均高表J,太FoxP3 电泳结果也提示,FoxP3仅在cD4+cD25+Treg细胞表达【引。 二 ...
FOXP3, the Transcription Factor at the Heart of the Rebirth of …
2017年2月1日 · The discovery of FOXP3 as a master regulator of Treg lineage development and function by these three groups marked an inflection point of research in Treg biology. Expression of the gene encoding FOXP3 both directly and indirectly controls the expression of hundreds of proteins that are involved in many differentiation and effector functions of ...
ChIP-on-Chip for FoxP3 | SpringerLink
2011年1月1日 · Foxp3 ChIP-on-Chip experiment can be largely divided into four stages: Foxp3 antibody chromatin immuno-precipitation of Treg cells; quantitative PCR to test quality of precipitated DNA; PCR amplification of ChIP DNA and hybridization of genome tiling arrays; and array data analysis and visualization.
Molecular mechanisms of T cell tolerance: Regualtion of FOXP3 ...
2009年4月7日 · Buy Molecular mechanisms of T cell tolerance: Regualtion of FOXP3 expression: a key transcription factor for regulatory T cells on Amazon.com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Immunity | 转录因子Ikzf1与Foxp3结合调控Treg细胞基因表达,限制自身免疫和抗肿瘤免疫 - Book …
2024年9月10日 · 该研究探讨了转录因子Ikzf1与Foxp3在调节性T细胞(Treg)中的相互作用及其对基因表达的调控机制。 研究发现,Ikzf1通过与Foxp3结合,在Treg细胞中发挥关键作用,维持免疫抑制功能,限制
JCI丨李斌课题组及合作团队发现Ku70调控FOXP3促进Treg抑制肿瘤免疫的新功能 - Book …
2022年9月30日 · 进一步机制分析显示,Ku70通过与Treg核心转录因子FOXP3直接结合,影响FOXP3靶基因的转录调控,揭示了Ku70在免疫调节中的关键作用。 本研究不仅发现了Ku70的非经典功能,还为肿瘤免疫治疗提供了新靶标。
Development and function of FOXP3 - Oxford Academic
2023年4月22日 · After years of research establishing FOXP3 + Tregs as distinct regulators of CD4 + T cells, recent evidence suggests that they play a multifaceted role beyond immunosuppression. As the onset of FOXP3 expression was used as a standard marker of Tregs, it became clear that these cells have diverse functions in regulating immune responses.