Tutorial: Visualise the frequencies of a signal in real time - JUCE
Learn how to display incoming audio data as a spectrum analyser by using the FFT class of the DSP module. Understand the benefits of using a windowing function. Level: Intermediate. …
[C++翻译]为什么我使用JUCE作为一名音频程序员,我一直在使用JUCE …
2020年11月9日 · JUCE是构建跨平台应用和移动应用的绝佳工具,这些应用依赖于高级音频功能。 据我所知,没有其他框架能提供这样的灵活性。 下一个关于JUCE的最大特点是它为新用户和 …
Tutorial: The fast Fourier transform - JUCE
A time or space domain signal can be converted to the frequency domain by using a transformation formula called the Fourier transform. A common efficient implementation of this …
dsp::FFT Class Reference - JUCE
Performs an out-of-place FFT, either forward or inverse. Performs an in-place forward transform on a block of real data. Performs a reverse operation to data created in …
J00012/JUCESpectrumAnalyzer - GitHub
We are developing a plugin for AudacityⓇ that allows the user to map two frequency waveforms on top of each other, in the form of spectral graphs. Additionally, we will include functionality …
GitHub - juce-framework/JUCE: JUCE is an open-source cross …
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for creating desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, AAX and LV2 audio plug-ins and plug-in …
JUCE: dsp::Convolution Class Reference - GitHub Pages
2013年1月8日 · Performs stereo uniform-partitioned convolution of an input signal with an impulse response in the frequency domain, using the juce FFT class. It provides some thread-safe …
JUCE/modules/juce_dsp/frequency/juce_Convolution.cpp at master · juce ...
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, LV2 and AAX audio plug-ins. - juce …
JUCE MODULES: frequency - Stanford University
Used by the Convolution to dispatch engine-update messages on a background thread. More... Performs stereo partitioned convolution of an input signal with an impulse response in the …
JUCE Step by step – Tutorials for audio coding
JUCE for Beginners. Tutorials that take you step by step through the process of building a JUCE project. Filter Plugin. You’ll have your own working Filter Plugin by the end of Step 2. Each …
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