freenode: The Original Internet Launch Pad
Internet Relay Chat. RFC 1459 The original launch pad of the internet. Connect
Connecting to freenode
You can access the freenode network via the freenode webchat or using an IRC client such as irssi, WeeChat, ERC, HexChat, Smuxi, Quassel or mIRC. You can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at chat.freenode.net on ports 6665-6667 and 8000-8002 for plain-text connections, or ports 6697, 7000, 7070 for TLS-encrypted connections.
freenode wiki
What is Freenode? Freenode is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network used for discussing peer-directed projects and collaboration between individuals and communities interested in free and open-source software (FOSS) and related topics. 2. How do I connect to Freenode? You can connect to Freenode using an IRC client.
2021年8月10日 · At freenode, we're always protecting your privacy, freedom of speech and overall liberties. In continuation of the progress we've been making, I'm happy to announce we've taken a tremendous step forward toward true decentralization. Disable Non-SASL Connections √; Disable NICK after connect √
Introducing IRC.com by freenode
2021年6月20日 · The freenode digital autonomous zone is proud to announce IRC.com by freenode. In addition to our FOSS and free IRC bouncer service that keeps you connected 24/7, we now provide Android and iOS applications that connect to our freenode bouncer, enabling push notifications, avatars and a whole other suite of IRCv3 capabilities!
Freenode - Kiwi IRC
Drop files here, paste, browse or import from My Device. Camera
Freenode - freenode wiki
Welcome to #freenode! #freenode is the primary channel on the freenode network, serving a diverse global community. Our goal is to foster an engaging and respectful environment where people can discuss a wide range of topics. #freenode Channel Rules. 1. Primary Language: Please communicate in English for the benefit of all members. 2.
archive - freenode
2021年5月19日 · freenode #live 2018 - Call for Proposals now open! christel on 2018-02-26 Celebrating FOSS, and twenty years of Open Source christel on 2018-02-05 "Joe-Job" spam on other networks referring to freenode bigpresh on 2017-12-05
Freenode channels - freenode wiki
The table listing channels on Freenode reflects the diverse range of topics and interests within the network. Channels are organized based on specific themes, projects, or communities, allowing users to join discussions related to programming languages, software development, technical support, and more.
Nickname Registration - freenode
"NickServ" is a freenode service that behaves like a user (which you can send private messages to) Registering. The following steps are the recommended method to register and set up a new freenode account. If you have questions or doubts about the process, a member of staff will be happy to discuss it and answer any questions you may have.