A small free firewall router intended as a replacement for more costly commercial products. The name stands for FREE ciSCO.
FREESCO is based on the Linux operating system. And incorporates many of the features of other Linux distributions into software that fits onto a single 1.44 meg floppy diskette. With …
Also added a new ISO image of FREESCO to make creating a boot-able CD easier. This version has all available PCI drivers installed on the disk to make the initial CD boot a running system …
Setting up FREESCO: How to set up a floppy based FREESCO. Additional setup and configuration : Describes how to increase security by applying patches, how to test your …
FREESCO v.0.3.x Manual
Freesco's forum provides excellent and helpful feedback for any unanswered questions that you may have: http://forums.freesco.org. Options in *red* generally require no changing, and are …
The customized kernels listed below are for the 0.3.x series of FREESCO. All of the alternative kernels for the 0.4.x series are included in the built in package listing.
FREESCO v.0.3.0 Manual
Thanks and appreciation go out to all those who have provided valuable feedback and support of the Freesco v.0.3.0 Manual. The Freesco Team gives credit to the following translators:
Manuel FREESCO v.0.3.0
NOTE: Cette section s'adresse aux utilisateurs non-avancés --- c'est-à-dire les utilisateurs qui ont peu ou pas de connaissances sur les fonctionnalitées de FREESCO et/ou de ses procédures …
Manuel FREESCO v.0.3.0
Démarrez votre PC avec la disquette FREESCO dans le lecteur. Un menu de démarrage apparaîtra avec 4 options. Choisissez la 3è option: mv2hd [enter] Si l'installation détecte plus …
The future of FREESCO; 03-30-2014 FREESCO 0.4.5 released; 05-03-2012 FREESCO 0.4.4 patches and bugs; 02-02-2012 FREESCO 0.4.4 released; 05-02-2011 FREESCO 0.4.3 …