Ethan Frome Critical Essays - eNotes.com
Images of death, frozen submission, imprisonment, and sterility imbue Ethan Frome with a sense of grim determinism. Yet it is not a deterministic work.
伊坦·弗洛美 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《伊坦·弗洛美》(Ethan Frome,或伊登·弗洛姆)是普利策奖得主、美国作家 伊迪丝·华顿 于1911年出版的小说。 小说的地点设在虚构的 麻省 小镇斯塔克菲尔德。
Ethan Frome - a tutorial, study guide, and critical commentary
Ethan Frome is a poor working farmer who lives in a small remote town in Massachusetts. He exists in a state of near poverty with his wife Zeena (Zenobia), a grim, prematurely aged …
Ethan Frome Full Text - Prologue - Owl Eyes
Ethan Frome drove in silence, the reins loosely held in his left hand, his brown seamed profile, under the helmet-like peak of the cap, relieved against the banks of snow like the bronze …
Ethan Frome - Oxford Reference
5 天之前 · Novelette by Edith Wharton, published in 1911. It was dramatized by Owen and Donald Davis (1936). This grim story is told by a middle-aged engineer, who pieces together the …
Ethan Frome Themes - eNotes.com
Ethan Frome takes place in Starkfield, a small village nestled in the Berkshires. The village's name aptly captures the novella's grim and barren mood. The three main characters are …
Ethan Frome: A Tragic Tale of Love and Loss – Book Review
2024年9月10日 · "Ethan Frome" immerses you in a tragic tale of love and loss set in the bleakness of Starkfield. You watch Ethan, a tormented soul, torn between duty to his bitter …
Ethan Frome Prologue Summary - Shmoop
Ethan was the most interesting character in Starkfield. It's not just because Ethan was super-tall – many Starkfielders are tall. Nope, it's because he had swagger – even with the severe limp, …
Ethan Frome Themes: Setting and Atmosphere - eNotes.com
Ethan Frome takes place in Starkfield, a small village nestled in the Berkshires. The village's name aptly captures the novella's grim and barren mood. The three main characters are …
ethan frome - Home
Upon entering a tavern, The Reverend notices a crippled but towering man named Ethan Frome that he is intent on helping, though most of the townspeople object to his interference in the …