Functional Reach Test (FRT) - Physiopedia
Functional Reach Test (FRT) is a clinical outcome measure and assessment tool for ascertaining dynamic balance in in simple task. As we know that this test measures the distance between …
Functional Reach Test / Modified Functional Reach Test
2013年12月4日 · The FRT assesses a patient's stability by measuring the maximum distance an individual can reach forward while standing in a fixed position. The modified version of the …
柔韧度和平衡能力的评估Ⅵ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
功能型前伸测试 Functional Reach Test 目的功能型前伸测试用于测量动态平衡能力。 结果前伸的距离,单位为厘米。 需要的器材量尺;胶带。 开始之前使用胶带将量尺水平固定在墙壁上, …
Normative values of functional reach test, single-leg stance test, …
Functional reach test (FRT), single-leg stance (SLS) test, timed up and go (TUG) test, and TUG with the cognitive dual-task (TUGcog) are commonly employed balance tests. The current …
The Functional Reach Test is a single item test developed as a quick screen for balance problems in older adults. score of 6 or less indicates a significant increased risk for falls. score between …
Real-Time Fall Risk Assessment Using Functional Reach Test
In this paper, we explore wearable technologies (i.e., real-time motion sensing) to assess fall risk using the FRT. The FRT is a quick single-task dynamic test defined as the maximal distance …
Computerized Functional Reach Test to Measure Balance Stability …
The functional reach test (FRT) is used in many countries, yet it does not provide some kinematic parameters such as shoulder or pelvic girdles translation. The purpose was to analyze video …
The Functional Reach Test: strategies, performance and the
Background: The Functional Reach Test (FRT) is a clinical assessment of the risk of falls in elderly or disabled subjects. However, the FRT is complex (involving the leg, hip and trunk …
(PDF) The Functional Reach Test: Strategies, performance and …
2014年5月29日 · Background: The Functional Reach Test (FRT) is a clinical assessment of the risk of falls in elderly or disabled subjects. However, the FRT is complex (involving the...
signed as a simple reach test to assess standing balance. The modified Functional Reach Test (mFRT) is d. signed to assess sitting balance in individuals with SCI. Balance is designed as …