of decoder in the WSPR extension which is evidently built from an earlier WSPR decoder. It shows up even when a KiwiSDR is used only to provide a wav file that is subsequently …
Light video compression core? — Forum - valentfx.com
I want to make a TCP/IP KVM with the logi-bone. I want to do some light video compression from a frame buffer ( for remote desktop, not video ). Xilinx has a DVI decoder that is a no brainer …
Recent Discussions — Forum
Max log map decoder troubleshooting 74 views 0 comments 0 points Started by ichone4 October 2016 LOGI Troubleshooting Discussion problems getting started: Error: Write failed
of decoder in the WSPR extension which is evidently built from an earlier WSPR decoder. It shows up even when a KiwiSDR is used only to provide a wav file that is subsequently …
LOGI Troubleshooting Discussion — Forum
Max log map decoder troubleshooting. 73 views 0 comments 0 points Started by ichone4 October 2016.
KiwiSDR on ValentF (x)
There are many standalone programs that demodulate and decode data signals from SDRs. But these are computer- and OS-specific and often require a complicated interface to the data …