mtheall/ftpd: FTP Server for 3DS/Switch - GitHub
FTP Server for 3DS/Switch. Contribute to mtheall/ftpd development by creating an account on GitHub.
Releases · mtheall/ftpd - GitHub
2024年11月16日 · FTP Server for 3DS/Switch. Contribute to mtheall/ftpd development by creating an account on GitHub.
FTP guide · GitHub
2025年2月27日 · There are two options: the official MicroSD management (New 3DS only) (Requires Windows) or FTPD (must have CFW or homebrew installed). FTPD is quicker and easier to use in the long run and can be used on all systems and computers (and phones!); however, MicroSD management is official and can be done with a stock system.
GitHub - goftp/ftpd: A pure go ftp server with web management …
More features, you can copy config.ini to the ftpd directory and modify it. About A pure go ftp server with web management UI, moved https://gitea.com/goftp/ftpd
GitHub - nodeftpd/nodeftpd: FTP Server in Node
npm install ftpd Usage. See example code in test.js. FtpServer options: host (string) - IP Address. host is a string representation of the IP address clients use to connect to the FTP server. It's imperative that this actually reflects the remote IP the clients use to access the server, as this IP will be used in the establishment of PASV data ...
troglobit/uftpd: FTP/TFTP server for Linux that just works™ - GitHub
Use the following two lines in /etc/inetd.conf, notice how in.ftpd and in.tftpd are symlinks to the uftpd binary:
GitHub - cathery/sys-ftpd: Nintendo Switch FTP server as a …
It's a lightweight version of mtheall's ftpd app run as a background service (sysmodule). Originally forked from jakibaki's sys-ftpd in an attempt to improve peformance and stability. Since it's lightweight, it occupies less memory on your console at the cost of transferring files a bit slower.
stilliard/docker-pure-ftpd: Docker Pure-ftpd Server - GitHub
docker run -d --name ftpd_server -p 21:21 -p 30000-30009:30000-30009 -e "PUBLICHOST=localhost" stilliard/pure-ftpd. Or for your own image, replace stilliard/pure-ftpd with the name you built it with, e.g. my-pure-ftp. You can also pass ADDED_FLAGS as an env variable to add additional options such as --tls to the pure-ftpd command.
Little FTPD (lftpd) is a tiny embeddable ftp server written in C for ...
Little FTPD (lftpd) A tiny embeddable ftp server written in C for small embedded targets. Supports only the minimum neccessary to move files to and from your device with common FTP clients.
p-sam/xftpd - GitHub
The following pacman packages are required to build ftpd.3dsx: 3dstools devkitARM libctru They are available as part of the 3ds-dev meta-package. Build ftpd.3dsx: make 3dsx NRO. The following pacman packages are required to build ftpd.nro: devkitA64 libnx switch-tools