RadioFTT Trieste livestream
FTT: RadioFTT Trieste is an independent radio supported by volunteers with the aim of giving a voice to the people of the Free Territory of Trieste that loudly demand the application of laws, already embraced by the entire international community. It also seeks to inform on illegitimate misleading practices by local and foreign actors.
Original territory map and overlay with current google maps – FTT – TLT ...
Communication No. 20240627-1 – In relation to the current presence of high-ranking foreign representatives in the Free Territory of Trieste, the Provisional Government recognizes the […]
*FTT / TLT (1947-1954) - YouTube
2012年11月19日 · (*) Official name: Free Territory of Trieste / Slobodni teritorij Trsta / Svobodno tržaško ozemlje ...more.
Free Territory of Trieste - Wikipedia
The Free Territory of Trieste[2] was an independent territory in Southern Europe between Northern Italy and Yugoslavia, facing the north part of the Adriatic Sea, under direct responsibility of the United Nations Security Council in the aftermath of World War II. For a period of seven years, it acted as a free city.
Citizenship – Proof Of The “De facto” Existence Of The Free Territory ...
The Peace Treaty that determined the current geopolitical balance at the end of the second world war with the annexes inherent to TLT/STO/FTT [ note 1] and, above all, the loss of Italian sovereignty over that Territory ( c.d. Peace Treaty 10 February 1947, Art.
Costitution and Statute of the FTT TRIESTE - Tripod
The area of the Free Territory of Trieste shall be the territory within the frontiers described in Articles 4 and 22 of the present Treaty as delimited in accordance with Article 5 of the Treaty. The integrity and independence of the Free Territory shall be assured by the Security Council of the United Nations Organization.
Il TLT confina a nordovest con la Repubblica Italiana, a est con la Repubblica Popolare di Jugoslavia, e ad ovest con il mare Adriatico. Clima: marittimo mediterraneo sulla costa, temperato continentale all'interno. Superficie: 741 Kmq.
Main Page @ freeterritorytrieste.com
In May 1946 at the meeting of the Ministries of the foreign affairs of the 4 winning powers was accepted the french proposal that defined the creation of the FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE (FTT). On 10th January 1947 the UNITED NATIONS emit the RESOLUTION N.16 that declares the birth of the Free Territory of Trieste.
RadioFTT Trieste Ascolta la diretta - 1395 kHz AM, Trieste | Online ...
2023年8月9日 · RadioFTT Trieste, Italia – ascolta questa radio online di alta qualità gratuitamente su OnlineRadioBox.com o sul tuo smartphone.
GAZETTES @ archives.freeterritorytrieste.com
Here below find the Official Gazettes of the Free Territory of Trieste. There are also the Official Gazettes that have been published during the Military Government of the Area from 1st may 1945 till 15 September 1947 (Note: Area was called Venezia Giulia-Juliska Benecija-Julian March and was also divided in Zone A and Zone B).