Fugu - Wikipedia
The fugu (河豚; 鰒; フグ) in Japanese, bogeo (복어; 鰒魚) or bok (복) in Korean, and hétún (河豚; 河魨) in Standard Modern Chinese [a] is a pufferfish, normally of the genus Takifugu, Lagocephalus, or Sphoeroides, or a porcupinefish of the genus Diodon, or a …
红鳍东方鲀 - 百度百科
红鳍东方鲀又名河豚、艇巴, [7] 鲀形目鲀科东方鲀属硬骨鱼。 红鳍东方鲀是大型鲀类,体亚圆筒形;口小,端位;上下齿各有两个牙齿形似人牙,身体背面和上侧面青黑色,腹面白色;胸鳍后上方体侧有一白边黑色大斑,斑的前方、下方及后方有小黑斑。 [8] 臀鳍基部红色,拉丁文rubripes亦示此意,故名。 [7] 红鳍东方鲀分布于中国,产于黄海、渤海和东海,北太平洋西部。 红鳍东方鲀为暖水性近海底栖食肉性鱼类, [8] 主要摄食贝类、甲壳类、棘皮动物和鱼类等。 幼鱼喜栖息 …
Takifugu - Wikipedia
Takifugu, also known by the Japanese name fugu (河豚, lit. "river pig"), is a genus of pufferfish with 25 species, most of which are native to salt and brackish waters of the northwest Pacific, but a few species are found in freshwater in Asia or more widely in the Indo-Pacific region.
Everything you need to know about Fugu : The deadly Japanese fish
2025年1月15日 · fugu, or puffer fish, is much more than just a food in Japan. This fish is surrounded by a mixture of fascination and fear, due to its delicate flesh and deadly toxicity. Renowned as one of the most dangerous foods in the world, fugu is also a symbol of Japanese culinary excellence.
FUGU中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
FUGU翻译:河豚(pufferfish 的日语说法)。 了解更多。
香菇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香菇 (学名: Lentinula edodes)又叫做 冬菇 、 北菇 、 香蕈 、 厚菇 、 薄菇 、 花菇 、 椎茸,为 小皮伞科 香菇属 的 物种,是一种 食用菇類。 不同名稱間的分別,其實是香菇高低品質的區別。 例如:花菇是當中最高級的類別,指香菇在曬乾後花紋爆裂程度最高的香菇;厚菇則再次一等,指肉身較一般香菇厚的香菇。 冬菇則是最一般的香菇;而寸菇則又再次之,指香菇尺寸不足一寸的香菇。 另外還有十分便宜的香信,指的是因為突然回暖而爆發性生長所產的香菇,生長期 …
Fugu: The Famed Fish For Bold Culinary Adventurers
2023年11月28日 · Among the mysterious, legendary, and often misunderstood foods of Japanese cuisine, fugu most certainly occupies a top perch. Fugu fish, often simply known as fugu (pufferfish), is a complex Japanese delicacy. Fugu is savored with the knowledge that some of its organs contain a poison that is fatal if ingested.
Fugu — As Seen In Japan
2022年12月12日 · Fugu is the poisonous Japanese pufferfish, famous for being deadly if prepared incorrectly. Don't be scared, though - fugu is not as dangerous as you might have heard, and some people think it's quite tasty. Learn about fugu and fugu ovaries.
Fugu Feast: Unveiling Japan's Ancient Culinary Legacy ... - Dishes …
2024年1月31日 · Ancient Japan has long hailed Fugu, the illustrious Pufferfish, as a culinary treasure. Its preparation demands specialized techniques due to the presence of the potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin, residing in its liver and ovaries.
FUNGUS中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
FUNGUS翻译:真菌;真菌类植物。 了解更多。
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