FUJIFILM Camera Remote - Apps on Google Play
2024年8月13日 · The FUJIFILM Camera Remote is an application provided by FUJIFILM that can operate wireless-equipped digital cameras by remote control to shoot images and to view images and movies in the camera...
智能手机应用下载 | 富士胶片 [中国] - FUJIFILM
Camera Remote(17.4MB) 版本4.9.1 IOS系统/苹果: 系统自带的App store中输入搜索FUJIFILM Camera Remote,即可下载。-FUJIFILM XApp
Using Your Camera with Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers - Fujifilm
Using a dedicated application, you can download pictures to your smartphone or tablet, share location data with the camera to be added to pictures, and control the camera remotely. With some operating systems and cameras, you can also save and load camera settings banks and use your camera with Fujifilm’s network service.
下载 - Fujifilm
下载 FUJIFILM Camera Remote 并将其安装到您的智能手机或平板设备上。 FUJIFILM 应用程序可让您在智能手机、平板设备和计算机上更尽情地欣赏照片。
使用 FUJIFILM Camera Remote
使用 FUJIFILM Camera Remote. 即时取景拍摄; 单个图像传送; 导入图像; 接收位置信息; 遥控释放; 图像传输预定; 在 instax mini Link 上打印; 在其他 instax 打印机上进行打印; 更新相机固件
FUJIFILM Camera Remote on the App Store
The FUJIFILM Camera Remote is an application provided by FUJIFILM that can operate wireless-equipped digital cameras by remote control to shoot images and to view images and movies in the camera and to transfer them to smartphones or tablets. And it also supports the cameras that offers Bluetooth® c…
Mobile Apps | Fujifilm [United States]
This app is an application provided by FUJIFILM that can operate wireless-equipped digital cameras by remote control to shoot images and to transfer them to smartphones or tablets. This app is exclusively for the Fujifilm instax mini LiPlay camera.
Download - Fujifilm
Download FUJIFILM Camera Remote and install it on your smartphone or tablet. The FUJIFILM app gives you more opportunities to enjoy your pictures on smart phones, tablets, and computers.
遥控:遥控相机 | 免费 iPhone 和 Android 应用程序 FUJIFILM Camera Remote | FUJIFILM
从智能手机或平板设备遥控调整照相机设定并拍摄照片(并非所有照相机设定都可进行遥控访问)。 有关使用照相机的详细信息,请参阅照相机手册。 轻触 遥控。 蓝牙:确认相机已与智能手机建立连接。 Wi-Fi:确认与照相机相连接的设备的名称之后,按下 MENU/OK。 若未显示正确的设备,请按下 DISP/BACK 并重新尝试连接。 无线连接过程中,ON/OFF 按钮以外的照相机控制都将禁用。 若失去信号或无线连接中断,照相机可能无法自动关闭。 请关闭照相机并重新开启。 …
教程丨富士相机 APP 连接图传遥控操作指南 - 知乎
打卡 FUJIFILM Camera Remote 应用程序,按照屏幕上的指示说明,选择要连接的设备,直到配对注册成功。 接下来的操作和使用Wi-Fi连接时一样,只是使用蓝牙连接会多一个遥控释放功能。