富勒烯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
C 60 的球棒模型. 富勒烯(英語: Fullerene ) 或巴克球、巴基球(英語: Buckyball )是一種完全由碳组成的中空分子,形狀呈球型、椭球型、柱型或管状。 富勒烯在结构上与石墨很相 …
Fullerene - Wikipedia
The bulk solid form of pure or mixed fullerenes is called fullerite. [2] Fullerenes had been predicted for some time, but only after their accidental synthesis in 1985 were they detected in nature [3] …
Fullerite - chemeurope.com
Ultrahard fullerite, Buckyball. Ultrahard fullerite (C 60) is a form of carbon which has been found to be harder than diamond, and which can be used to create even harder materials, such as …
富勒烯 - 百度百科
富勒烯(Fullerene),是一种完全由碳组成的中空分子,形状呈球型、椭球型、柱型或管状。富勒烯在结构上与石墨很相似,石墨是由六元环组成的石墨烯层堆积而成,而富勒烯不仅含有六元 …
How fullerite becomes harder than diamond - Phys.org
2017年3月21日 · Physicists have simulated the structure of a new material based on fullerite and single crystal diamond to show how this material can obtain ultrahigh hardness. This discovery …
Fullerenes and fullerites: new forms of carbon - ScienceDirect
1995年1月1日 · Preparations of larger iullereiies in solid form (e.g. of C84) are also under way. When the fullerites are grown from solution, the voids between the fullereneballs usually host …
fullerene/fullerite production method, and try to give an overview of the most exciting developments in current fullerene/fullerite research. Fullerenes and Fullerites Diamond and …
Fullerenes and Fullerites: New Forms of Carbon | SpringerLink
When C60 and other fullerene molecules became available in bulk quantities, a new and rapidly developing field of research was opened. Here I describe the events leading to the discovery …
Fullerite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
In the Shun'ga material, the fullerenes are present in merely trace quantities (0.0001 < 0.001%) (Mosin and Ignatov, 2013), so it would be wrong to consider such rocks as specimens of the …
Fullerite Mineral Data
Calculated Properties of Fullerite Electron Density: Bulk Density (Electron Density)=1.75 gm/cc note: Specific Gravity of Fullerite =1.75 gm/cc.