Fup by Jim Dodge | Goodreads
First published in 1983, this story is set in the coastal hills of Northern California between 1880 and the present. The tale revolves around three characters: two humans and one duck. Jim …
Fup: Dodge, Jim: 9780933944046: Amazon.com: Books
1986年1月1日 · First published in 1983, this story is set in the coastal hills of Northern California between 1880 and the present. The tale revolves around three characters: two humans and …
Fup: Jim Dodge: 9781847673251: Amazon.com: Books
2009年4月2日 · Fup There's Grandaddy Jake Santee, 99 years old, an unreformed gambler, cranky reprobate and fierce opponent of the work ethic. Thanks to his home-distilled hooch, …
Fup: Dodge, Jim: 9781597141581: Amazon.com: Books
2014年5月1日 · You get Fup—a wildly eccentric modern classic that invites you to sit a spell and wet your whistle while it regales you with tales of teaching Fup to fly, the Sunday morning pig …
Jim Dodge - Wikipedia
Jim Dodge (born 1945) is an American novelist and poet whose works combine themes of folklore and fantasy, set in a timeless present. He has published three novels— Fup, Not Fade Away, …
Fup by Jim Dodge
You get Fup—a wildly eccentric modern classic that invites you to sit a spell and wet your whistle while it regales you with tales of teaching Fup to fly, the Sunday morning pig hunt, and the …
Fup: A Modern Fable - Jim Dodge - Google Books
Fup is a tale of two humans, one duck and several vats of home-brewed whisky. There's Grandaddy Jake Santee, 99 years old, an unreformed gambler, cranky reprobate and...
Fup, Jim Dodge (#1812) - BookMarks
They resuscitate the duck with Granddaddy’s special whiskey and name him Fup Duck. The four characters meet in a climactic scene where Lockjaw dies, Fup is killed and rises again from …
Review of Jim Dodge's Fup - BrothersJudd.com
Jim Dodge offers a fable featuring Grandaddy Jake Santee, who has find the secret of immortality (so far) in the drinking of Ol' Death Whisper moonshine, made from a recipe given to him by a …
This Rugged Life: "Fup" and Why It's Important
2010年2月28日 · Written by Jim Dodge in 1983, "Fup" is a story that takes place in the backwoods of Northern California, and centers around an immortal and whiskey-drenched …