Should my furnace closet have this huge duct opening into the ...
If it's a duct designed to pull in outside combustion and dilution air, it represents a gaping hole in the conditioned thermal envelope, as the furnace closet is not even remotely insulated from the rest of the conditioned space. The furnace is a huge 125,000 BTU model that's grossly oversized for the house's 1,100 square foot interior.
furnace - Do the doors on my utility closet need to be vented steel ...
2019年1月25日 · We have the same arrangement in our 1970 house with slab on grade foundation--both water heater and furnace natural gas fired in a utility closet centrally located on the living floor. All of the houses in our Fox and Jacobs …
Asbestos in my furnace closet - should I get rid of it?
2014年11月18日 · The combination of fluffy insulation and forced hot air would make me really nervous — in theory the air should just be recirculating, but unless the ductwork is perfectly sealed I bet it's pulling in a small amount of air from the closet and blowing it around the house.
Is there any way to stop the air leak through my furnace without ...
2014年11月9日 · My house has an 80% efficiency gas furnace in an interior mechanical closet with the return air path below the furnace and through a grille under the closet. However, since the furnace is not a sealed combustion model, the whole mechanical closet itself requires combustion air for the furnace to use, which is provided via a huge duct connecting ...
Can I install an electrical outlet on furnace closet wall?
2020年4月23日 · I'm building a closet to enclose the gas furnace and water heater. Can I install an electrical outlet on one of the walls? This would be facing outward toward the living space? I've tried to find this in the codes and came up empty. There's plenty of information about the outlets required for services to the furnace.
How do I replace a non-standard sized AC closet door?
We inherited this AC closet setup from the previous owner of the house we bought. The HVAC unit is framed in so that it's pulling the return air from the vent below. Combustible air for the furnace is supplied from a duct coming from the attic - which means (I guess) that the slats venting this door are no longer necessary.
Where can I get a vented metal door for my furnace room?
2012年11月12日 · I can't seem to find a vented metal door for my furnace room. The two vents at the top and bottom of the door are all rusted out and the door is in pretty bad shape too. Are these doors custom made...
How can I reduce noise from an air handler unit in an open closet?
2015年7月12日 · Everything off: 36 dB A/C on and inside closet: 63 dB A/C on with door closed: 59 dB A/C on in Living Room: 55 dB Similar Questions. How do I reduce the noise from my forced air furnace? - recommends lining ducts with fiberglass. Is there any way to make my furnace quieter without replacing - recommends 1/2" rubber attached to the blower.
furnace - Would a radiant barrier help stop this heat transfer?
Using my nifty thermal camera, I discovered that my furnace closet's combustion air duct (visible in this question) is getting really hot when the attic heats up, and then (being sheet metal) it radiates that heat into the furnace closet.
furnace - How can I avoid cold rooms due to combustion air …
The furnace is not in its own enclosed space; it's open to the unfinished laundry/bath room, and the door to the room has a gap of about 1" to the concrete floor. If I stand just in front of the furnace, which is the same location to do laundry (just the opposite direction), the cold draft is noticeable even when the furnace isn't running.