Fusion QbD Software - Quality by Design - DOE - Automated …
Major Pharmaceutical companies worldwide use Fusion QbD every day to develop truly robust and transferrable methods. Regulatory agencies use Fusion QbD to modernize methods and to challenge robustness claims in Pharma company submittals! These proven capabilities are now available to you as a QbD Method Development Service!
Fusion LC Method Development - Fusion QbD Software
Fusion QbD ® brings a completely new quantitative approach to automated LC column and solvent system selection that is completely aligned with QbD principles and methodology. S-Matrix's patented Trend Responses ™ technology overcomes the limitations inherent in traditional approaches, and replaces a qualitative “pick-the-winner” approach ...
案例分享 | Fusion QbD工具轻松解决生物药开发难题 - 知乎
Fusion QbD成功用于生物药的方法开发,首先生成HILIC和 阳离子交换 模式的DoE实验设计。然后使用Fusion中的导出功能,在Empower中自动创建DoE设计好的仪器方法和样品组。
使用“分析方法质量源于设计”自动开发稳定性方法 | Waters
Fusion QbD预测将产生“总体最佳答案(BOA)”或最大峰计数的方法变量组合(pH、色谱柱、梯度时间)。 完成快速筛选研究后,将这些变量用于方法优化。 第3阶段:方法优化 – 温度和梯度时间
The perfect QbD software for formulation & process development – automated experimental design selection, sophisticated analysis tools, including automated modeling and simulation, comprehensive reporting, with a full 21 CFR 11 compliance toolset.
- [PDF]
本文使用基于质量源于设计(QbD)原则的LC方法开发软件 Fusion QbD,搭配Thermo UltiMate3000 高效液相色谱系统和 CDS变色龙色谱数据软件进行布地奈德杂质分析方法的开发。 整个方法开发过程只需要三天,大大提高了方法开发的效率。
使用 Empower 和 Fusion QbD 自动执行色谱柱选择和初始方法条 …
2024年2月9日 · Empower Tip #179:使用 Empower 和 Fusion QbD 自动执行色谱柱选择和初始方法条件. 这篇 Empower 贴文将演示在 Empower 中,如何在色谱柱筛选实验中通过自动选择色谱柱及初始方法条件,实现方法生命周期管理 (MLCM)。
Fusion QbD - Quality by Design Software for Scientists and …
Fusion QbD is a quality by design platform that works with your Chromatography Data System (CDS) to structure experiments and transform raw data into knowledge. Design of Experiment (DOE) tools, CDS integration, GMP compliance, and built-in intelligence, make Fusion QbD the premier QbD software choice for all your development activities.
中药分析方法开发费时费力?这时候,你需要QbD! | Thermo …
2019年5月16日 · Fusion QbD是一款基于QbD原则的LC方法开发软件,赛默飞应用工程师将其搭载在UltiMate3000 高效液相色谱系统和CDS变色龙色谱数据软件,建立了人参指纹图谱的快速分析方法。
Fusion Pro - Fusion QbD Software - Quality by Design - DOE
Fusion Pro is expert system standalone software which is completely aligned with Quality by Design principles, and designed for working scientists and engineers. The software provides a complete suite of Design of Experiments (DOE) technologies, including advanced data modeling and Monte Carlo simulation modeling capabilities, to support your R ...