FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Tower - Baltimore Aircoil Company
Minimize your system energy, maintenance, and installation costs with the FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Tower, the industry standard for closed-loop systems. Thermal Capacity: 29 - 424 tons 1; Flow Rate: Up to 3,600 USGPM 1; Combined Crossflow // Axial Fan // Induced Draft
FXV3 Closed Circuit Cooling Tower - Baltimore Aircoil Company
Closed Circuit Cooling Tower FXV3 is for applications to maximize system efficiency and space savings for large projects. This cooling tower has the largest capacity in a single cell of any closed-loop system providing lowest operating costs and higher reliability.
Evaporative Cooling Products - Baltimore Aircoil Company
BAC is the global leader of innovative evaporative cooling and heat rejection solutions. What is the right solution for me? Speak to an Expert. What is Evaporative Cooling? Minimize your system energy, maintenance, and installation costs with the FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Tower, the industry standard for closed-loop systems.
FXVS 1212-1218 - baltimoreaircoil.eu
Engineering data for the FXVS models include drawings; unit dimensions; operation and shipping weight; connection, air flow and motor data.
2015年9月14日 · BAC’s FXV is the most efficient closed circuit cooling tower in BAC’s portfolio. The FXV reduces the total cost of ownership by bringing you optimized selections based on . footprint, horsepower, pressure drop and price. Offering dependable year-round operation,
威尼斯网站-官网 - baltimoreaircoil
盘管内高温气态制冷剂与盘管外喷淋水和空气进行热交换,由气态冷凝为液态。 引风机的超强风力使喷淋水完全覆盖在盘管表面,水借风势,换热效果更加显著。 喷淋水和空气吸收热量后温度升高,部分水由液态变为水蒸气,蒸发潜热带走大量热量,热空气中的水被挡水板截住收集到PVC热交换层中。 PVC热交换层中的水被流过的空气所冷却,温度降低进入到冷水盘中,再由循环水泵送入喷淋水系统中继续循环。 蒸发散失到空气中的水汽通过浮球水位调节阀补充。 部分负荷下, …
威尼斯网站-官网 - baltimoreaircoil
双侧进风式fxv型号是在fxv设计的基础上,在单个共同风机的系统中增加了第二个盘管和pvc热交换层。使得在最小的平面面积上达到更高的性能和较低的能耗 , 确保最大的流程效率。
威尼斯网站-官网 - baltimoreaircoil
BAC提供选型软件用于评估闭式冷却塔在任何工况条件下运行的性能,所有单个冷却塔的性能参数都能从对照表中找到;联机形式单元排布则可以得到更大的处理能力。 所有的BAC闭路冷却塔能够承受温度高达180ºF (82.2ºC)的进水温度。 在世界各地的化工、燃料、金属和电力生产,通常都需要向周围环境中排放低品位的废热。 请试想一下有这样一个理想的排热系统能够实现如下方式处理 …
FXV-D closed circuit cooling tower - Baltimore Aircoil
Evaporative cooling PLUS unique combined heat transfer system for minimized system-wide energy consumption. Axial fan – half the consumption of rivals and huge single cell capacity: saving you more! BACross II fill factory-configured for unrivalled water/air contact and minimal air …
FXV系列闭式冷却塔 - 企业产品详情
fxv系列盘管内高温气态制冷剂与盘管外喷淋水和空气进行热交换,由气态冷凝为液态。 引风机的超强风力使喷淋水完全覆盖在盘管表面,水借风势,换热效果更加显著。
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