FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Tower - Baltimore Aircoil Company
Minimize your system energy, maintenance, and installation costs with the FXV Closed Circuit Cooling Tower, the industry standard for closed-loop systems. Thermal Capacity: 29 - 424 tons 1
2015年9月14日 · ` INDEPENDENT FAN OPERATION (OPTION) fan motor driving two fans. The FXV-0818, and FXV-1218 are provided with two fan motors driving three fans as standard. The independent fan option consists of one fan motor and dr ve assembly for each fan to allow independent operati
FBX to DXF Converter - Aspose
FBX to DXF Converter is an app for fast converting FBX file (s) to DXF file format. You can download the Nuget package or view the sample code at the Demo link in the github repository. Our app is for quick and unlimited conversion of FBX file (s) to DXF file format.
- 评论数: 25万
FXV-D288-x xx, FXV-D364-x xx 267 Cold Water Basin Operating Heights e make-up water supply pressure. Because the typical winter load is less than the summer load, the winter evaporation rate is frequently less han the summer evaporation rate. With this reduced evaporation rate in winter, the water level in the cold water basin will increas
BAC FXV Rigging & Assembly Instructions - ManualsLib
View and Download BAC FXV rigging & assembly instructions online. Crossflow Coil Products. FXV accessories pdf manual download. Also for: Fxv3, Cxvb, Cxvt.
FXV系列 - BAC大连有限公司苏州分公司 - baltimoreaircoil
引风机的超强风力使喷淋水完全覆盖在盘管表面,水借风势,换热效果更加显著。 喷淋水和空气吸收热量后温度升高,部分水由液态变为水蒸气,蒸发潜热带走大量热量,热空气中的水被挡水板截住收集到PVC热交换层中。 PVC热交换层中的水被流过的空气所冷却,温度降低进入到冷水盘中,再由循环水泵送入喷淋水系统中继续循环。 蒸发散失到空气中的水汽通过浮球水位调节阀补充。 部分负荷下,蒸发式冷凝器的换热能力可以通过调整风机转速或运行数量来实现。 卓越的技 …
FXV系列产品组成系统说明 - 豆丁网
FXV型闭式冷却塔的心脏一高效换热盘管由优质不锈钢管制成,具有高强度防腐性能,使用寿命长;蛇形盘管沿制冷剂流动的方向设计了2%的坡度,便于冷却液体的排出,保证了盘管达到最佳的换热效果。 FXV型闭式冷却塔使用日本进口覆镁铝硅锌型SUPERDYMA钢板,抗腐蚀能力强。 美国BAC公司专利设计的PVC热交换层,PVC挡水板抗腐蚀能力强,不易老化,使用寿命长达15年。 风扇电机采用全封闭式电机,防潮效果好;水泵及其电机是由美国PACO公司专业设计制造 …
FXV系列闭式冷却塔 - 企业产品详情
FXV系列盘管内高温气态制冷剂与盘管外喷淋水和空气进行热交换,由气态冷凝为液态。 引风机的超强风力使喷淋水完全覆盖在盘管表面,水借风势,换热效果更加显著。
双侧进风FXV - BAC大连有限公司苏州分公司 - baltimoreaircoil
1. 高强度面板与防腐箱体 2. 低功耗轴流风机 3. TIDRIVE ® 驱动系统 4. 盘管部分 5. 水分配系统 6. 空气进风导风板与冷水盘 7. 带 ...
FXV冷却塔 - 豆丁网
2015年6月9日 · Highest capacity in the industry – FXV-D models offer the highest single cell capacity of any evaporative closed circuit cooling tower in the industry. Projects benefit from …
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