Create your first site with Google Sites
When you create a new site, it's added to Drive, just like other Drive files. Sites automatically saves every change you make, but your site isn’t public until you publish it. Create and name …
Crear un primer sitio con Google Sites
Cuando creas un sitio web, se añade a Drive, del mismo modo que cualquier otro archivo de Drive. Sites guarda de forma automática todos los cambios que haces, pero el sitio no es …
Usar Google Sites - Ayuda de Sites
Usar Google Sites Puedes crear un sitio web para compartir información con otros usuarios. Nota: Las cuentas de Google gestionadas por padres no pueden usar la versión clásica de …
Publish & share your site - Sites Help - Google Help
On a computer, open the site you want to move in classic Google Sites. At the top, click Share. Under "Invite people," add your work, school, or other group email address. Next to your email …
Membuat situs pertama Anda dengan Google Sites
Saat Anda membuat situs baru, situs tersebut ditambahkan ke Drive, seperti file Drive lainnya. Sites akan otomatis menyimpan setiap perubahan yang dilakukan, tetapi situs Anda tidak …
Sites Help - Google Help
Official Google Sites Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Sites and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Cosa puoi fare con Sites - Centro didattico di Google Workspace
Crea portali di progetto interni, siti per i team, siti web destinati al pubblico e altro ancora, senza richiedere l'assistenza di un web designer, di un programmatore o del reparto IT. Con Google …
Creare il primo sito con Google Sites
In Google Sites puoi aggiungere molti altri elementi a una pagina, ad esempio: Testo comprimibile; Tasti; Barra di ricerca; Carosello di immagini; Link ai social media; e molto altro …
Créer votre premier site avec Google Sites
Lorsque vous créez un site, il est ajouté à Drive, comme tous les autres fichiers Drive. Sites enregistre automatiquement chaque modification effectuée, mais votre site devient public …
Google Sites training and help - Google Workspace Learning Center
Google Sites cheat sheet Print, save, or customize Learning Center guides Learn how to print Learning Center guides, save them as PDFs, or customize them for your organization.