G2 Esports: The most entertaining esports organization in the …
Welcome to G2 Esports, one of the leading global esports and entertainment brands. Home to legendary players, creators, and entertainers.
G2 Esports - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
G2 Esports (formerly known as Gamers2) is a German professional esports organization, headquartered in Berlin, Germany, and founded in November 2013 by Carlos "ocelote" Rodriguez.
G2 Esports(欧洲电子竞技俱乐部)_百度百科
G2 Esports(简称G2)是一家欧洲电子竞技俱乐部,其前身为Gamers2,由英雄联盟前职业选手Ocelote和资深电子竞技企业家、投资人Jens Hilgers于2014年2月24日共同创立。2015年10月16日,Gamers2更名为G2 Esports。
G2 Esports - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki
G2 Esports were drawn in Group A of the World Championship main stage, alongside Griffin, Cloud9 and Hong Kong Attitude. G2 won all 3 games in the first round robin. In the second round robin, G2 went on to win their first two games against C9 and HKA; however, they dropped their final game to Griffin in the second round robin.
G2 Esports - Wikipedia
G2 Esports (or simply G2) is a European esports organization headquartered in Berlin, Germany, [1] with players competing in League of Legends, Valorant, Counter-Strike 2, Hearthstone, Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, Fortnite, and iRacing.
G2 Esports - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
G2 Esports(前稱為Gamers2)是一支以德國 柏林為根據地的歐洲電子競技隊伍 [2] ,旗下分部有《英雄聯盟》、《絕對武力:全球攻勢》、《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》、《炉石传说》、《絕地求生》、《火箭聯盟》、《部落衝突:皇室戰爭》、《聖騎士:英雄國度 ...
G2 Esports - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
G2 Esports (前稱為 Gamers2)是一支以 德國 柏林 為根據地的歐洲 電子競技 隊伍 [2],旗下分部有《英雄聯盟》、《絕對武力:全球攻勢》、《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》、《爐石戰記》、《絕地求生》、《火箭聯盟》、《部落衝突:皇室戰爭》、《聖騎士:英雄國度》、《要塞英雄》、《決勝時刻》、《任天堂明星大亂鬥DX》和《最終榮耀》。
Meet our squads – EU - G2 Esports
Entertainers, champions, and legends in multiple titles, our squads are at the top of their game. Learn more about them below. Get ready to enter a world of pure esports. This collection is exclusive to top G2 fans only. Timeless yet fresh, the Varsity jacket speaks for itself with unique details. Make it yours and wear it your way.
About – EU - G2 Esports
Learn more about the greatest esports and entertainment organisation in the world, G2 Esports. Home to legendary players and incredible creators.
G2 Esports - 哔哩哔哩
G2 Esports简称G2,是一家来自西班牙的电子竞技俱乐部,2013年由前职业选手Ocelote组建。 该俱乐部已涉足英雄联盟、CSGO、炉石传说、彩虹六号和任天堂明星大乱斗等多个游戏领域。