Is gold buying still rampant? : r/classicwow - Reddit
2021年8月3日 · People who buy gold have to think about the risk/reward, is the price of in-game gold worth a ban on their account. Suppliers on the other hand will lower the price until they have enough people buying. If we assume that this gold is mostly farmed by bots, the price is the price off-setting the cost of a bot account being banned.
Legitimate Gold: A Brief Tutorial : r/classicwow - Reddit
2022年6月2日 · The wow token isn't a popular opinion on this sub or amongst classic players. Most people would rather Blizzard fix the botting issue and not introduce a wow token at all. Wow token is basically accepting Blizzard won't do anything.
G2G legit? : r/wow - Reddit
2023年10月9日 · Go to wow r/wow. r/wow. World of Warcraft on Reddit! ... G2G scammer: ROMANGEMS (https://www.g2g.com ...
Most secure way to buy gold? : r/seasonofdiscovery - Reddit
Yeah tbh im finding out im not built for this shit. I work all day and i love wow pvp but im not wanting to spend my time doing quests. Especially as a rogue its so bad. I dont wanna buy gear and pay to win i just want gold for basic things like profs and thistle tea and fadeleafs and consumes but that feels like a full time job on its own
So buying gold is cool now? : r/classicwow - Reddit
2023年10月7日 · First off, yes you do. You still play the game (or other games) the same amount as you would if gold buying wasn't a thing. Second, you wouldn't need to farm gold 3 hours a day if people didn't buy gold because guess what, inflation is a thing ingame just like IRL. Easy availability of gold means that the value of said gold plummets.
Anyone tried G2G site? Safe? : r/MMORPG - Reddit
2022年10月10日 · That video is a huge yikes. I was offering LoL boosting services for years and from my experience there is a shitload more scams happening outside of platforms like G2A, G2G, PlayerAuctions. Bashing the site that provides more security for not completely solving the underlying problem that's literally impossible to be solved is plain idiotic.
How are people making gold in SOD? : r/classicwow - Reddit
2024年2月18日 · Gray quests have drastically reduced exp and thus poor gold conversion ratio. You also dont want to want to bother with lvl 43+ quests in p2 for two reasons: You need something to get you started in p3. At lvl 50 you'll recieve same exp/gold conversion ratio from lvl 43+ as if you were to do it now at lvl 40.
Banned. : r/classicwow - Reddit
I bought 10k gold from G2G and got banned for 2 weeks. Not complaining, I deserve it, just kind of warning you guys. 10k gold on WOTLK is literally nothing and they got me, so you big oil princes/princesses spending big money on gold just be careful, please. Big Blizz is lurkin'.
How do people buy 100k+ of gold not get banned? : …
2022年5月20日 · 60 votes, 29 comments. true. ive heard of a few methods like 2nd accounts etc but honestly its prob largely RNG, if blizzard anted to ban all gold buying they could do it overnight like they did in wotlk where all gold buyers got perm bans, idk if perm bans is a good idea.
I was suspended for buying gold : r/classicwow - Reddit
2023年11月28日 · Bought gold. Got a suspended for a month. Won't do it again. I seriously thought they just ignored this completely. I'm honestly happy they do this, wish they did it more and posted a weekly suspension/ban list PUBLICLY. Might do some good to shame/suspend/then ban for multiple offenses. 3 strike rule maybe?