BMW 5 Series (G30) - Wikipedia
The seventh generation of the BMW 5 Series consists of the BMW G30 (sedan version) and BMW G31 (wagon version, marketed as 'Touring') executive cars. The G30/G31 has been produced since 2016 by the German automaker BMW and is often collectively referred to as the G30. It was officially announced on 12 October 2016 and sales began in February 2017.
集评: G30 BMW 530i 与 530e 怎么选? 两者差异在哪里?
2022年3月2日 · 目前在我国销售的5系列已经是G30世代小改款(LCI)的车型,它是在去年5月在本地开卖,和小改款前不一样的是,目前小改款5系列在本地只有两个等级,分别是纯汽油引擎的530i和PHEV版的530e,至于更入门的520i则暂时没有提供,原厂会不会在之后又推出一个小改款的520i? 这点我们也不知道,毕竟这种事情只有原厂才能说得准。...
BMW 5系参数配置表 | BMW中国官网 - 宝马中国
在525Li豪华套装,525Li M运动套装,530Li领先型豪华套装,530Li领先型M运动套装上选装“19英寸空气动力学轮圈,934型轮辐,泰坦金”,需以车辆已经配置了“金色外观套装”为前提。 2. 在530Li xDrive豪华套装,530Li xDrive M运动套装,530Li尊享型M运动套装上选装“20英寸空气动力学轮圈,937型轮辐,泰坦金”,需以车辆已经配置了“高配金色外观套装”为前提。 3. 在530Li尊享型豪华套装上选装“20英寸空气动力学轮圈,937型轮辐,银色”,需以车辆已经配置了“银色套 …
BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530i Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530i 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
科技助力、面面俱到!BMW G30 530i試駕體驗 - CarStuff 人車事
2017年3月19日 · 本次試駕的530i車型動力心臟來自TwinPower Turbo 2.0 升直列四缸引擎,實際排氣量為1998c.c.,帳面數據最大馬力為252hp/5200rpm,而35.7kgm的最大扭力可在1450rpm就能釋放,搭配Steptronic運動化八速變速系統,在排檔感左側還設有COMFORT、SPORT、ECO PRO三種動態行車模式切換按鈕,讓駕駛人得以享受不同引擎反應下,包含油門踩踏、轉向輔助、換檔邏輯、DSC動態穩定系統不同的介入程度。
【令人心醉神迷的神秘灰,2020款G30标轴530i新车测评(多图) …
安全與科技 520d 520d Luxury 530i Luxury 530i M Sport 530d M Sport 540i M Sport 自動停車輔助系統 定速控制系統 智能緊急求助、遠距售後服務
BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530d Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530d 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
2017 BMW 5 Series Sedan (G30) 530d (265 Hp) xDrive Steptronic …
BMW 5 Series Sedan (G30) 530d (265 Hp) xDrive Steptronic Sedan 2017 2018 2019 2020 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions, 265 Hp, 250 km/h, 155.34 mph, 0-100 km/h: 5.4 sec, 0-60 mph: 5.1 sec, 5.0-5.4 l/100 km, 47.04 - 43.56 US mpg, 56.5 - 52.31 UK mpg, 20 - …
BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530i - Ultimate Specs
18.7 cu-ft / 530 L: BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530i Brakes, Tires, Steering and Suspension. 前制动器 : 通风盘 ... BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530i (2016) vs BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 530e iPerformance (2017) vs BMW G30 5 Series Sedan 520i (2019)