Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30P - Segway
Segway Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30P MAX Mobility, MAX Versatility, MAX Quality, MAX Portability. Designed to be the most sturdy and powerful electric scooter yet. With a 40.4-mile range on a single charge, the Ninebot Kickscooter MAX is the best way to go the distance, no matter where you’re headed.
Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30LP - Segway
The Ninebot MAX G30LP leverages the cruise control technology used in cars and through the built-in control components and unique algorithm to match the set speed. The vehicle will automatically start the intelligent riding mode at this speed, reducing the tension and fatigue of the driver’s hand control.
Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30LP - Segway
The Kickscooter Max G30LP has rear wheel drive with a powerful 350W motor, reaching speeds of up to 18.6 mph with a remarkable 25-mile range, catering to riders up to 220 lbs. And its capability to tackle 20% hill grades adds to its efficiency and versatility.
KickScooter MAX的行程範圍最常可達40英里(60公里), 為市場上續航最長的滑板車之一,搭配15度的爬坡力, 只需一次充電,您就可以從舊金山灣區騎到帕羅阿多(約台北-桃園)。
電動滑板車的終極型態- Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30 開箱、評測
2019年10月12日 · 全新 Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30 可說是電動滑板車的終極型態。 最大續航力高達 60公里,最高時速達25公里,可達 15- 20坡度,前後 10吋充氣輪胎,內建電池&變壓器,出門只需一條線
MAX G30E II - Segway-Ninebot
Discover all the MAX potential of the G30E II ! With one of the longest range within its class (65 km), robust and comfortable 10-inch pneumatic tyres, and easy folding frame, the new generation Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30E II is here to spark riders with a more dependable and pleasant riding experience. No more worries about the battery!
Amazon.com: Ninebot Max G30
Solid Tire 10x2.5 for Ninebot G30 Max E-Scooter - Replaces Tubeless Tire 60/70-6.5 - Solid 10 inch Anti-Puncture Tire - Video Tutorial Included
Amazon.com: Segway G30 Max
60/70-6.5 tubeless tire with Valve for Segway Ninebot Max G30 / G30E / G30LP Electric Scooter Solid Rubber Tires 10-inch Anti-Slip Explosion-Proof Tires
Segway Max Series
MAX G30P “Powerful motor, long range, durable construction, and user-friendly features, making it an ideal choice for urban commuting”
Amazon.com : Segway Ninebot MAX G30P Electric Kick Scooter
2023年10月26日 · Powerful Performance: The Segway MAX G30P features a robust 350W motor, reaching speeds of up to 18.6 mph, covering 40-mile range and accommodating a load of up to 220 lbs. Efficient & Portable: Weighing just 38.6 lbs, it offers effortless maneuverability and convenient one-click folding.