G6sus4 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. Show G6sus4 results in Chord Calculator.
G6sus4 Guitar Chord | G sixth suspended fourth | Scales-Chords
G sixth suspended fourth Chord for Guitar has the notes G C D E and interval structure 1 4 5 6 and has 5 possible voicings/fret configurations. G6sus4 for Guitar has the notes G C D E and …
G6sus4 guitar chord - GtrLib Chords
View guitar chords chart for G6 suspended 4th chord along with suggested finger positions.
什么是Sus和弦(挂留和弦) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
以下列表包括和弦图和图像,它们显示了一些最流行的sus和弦应如何演奏。 尝试记住并使用这些音符,作为对特定歌曲替代或补充。 Asus2和弦非常简单,只需将食指放在四弦的第二个品格上,将食指放在五弦的第二个品格上即可。 如果您正在演奏A大调(使您的无名指放在二弦的第二个品格上),可以保持相同的手指位置,只需松开无名指即可。 Asus4和弦与Asus2非常相似。 只需将您的无名指添加到二弦的第三品上即可。 如您所见,通过手指的定位,从演奏A到Asus2再 …
How to Play a G6 Suspended Four (G6sus4) Chord on Guitar
Learn guitar chords for FREE through our new game Chord Master: http://bit.ly/ChordMasterYT http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-play-a-g... A chord is a combination of at least two notes that are played...
G6sus4 Piano Chord | G sixth suspended fourth | Scales-Chords
G sixth suspended fourth Chord for Piano has the notes G C D E and interval structure 1 4 5 6.
How To Play The G6sus4 Chord On Guitar - Guvna Guitars
Master the G6sus4 chord in under 2 minutes! Here's the easiest guide to playing the G6sus4 chord on guitar (learn this quick method now).
G调吉他挂4留和弦 | 标准吉他 - Standard Guitar
G调吉他挂4留和弦又称为 Gsus4, Gsus, G suspended 4th
G♯6sus4 guitar chord - GtrLib Chords
G-sharp6 suspended 4th guitar chord is also written as G♯6sus4. Guitar chords chart for G-sharp6 suspended 4th chord with suggested finger positions on the guitar fretboard is shown below. Download GtrLib Chords app to view all the positions of G-sharp6 suspended 4th chord on the guitar along with audio demonstration of the chord at each position.
G6sus4 Guitar Chord | Open D Tuning - JamPlay.com
Chord chart diagrams for the G6sus4 chord in Open D tuning. Known as the G Major Sixth Suspended Four or Gmaj6sus, Gsixth sus, GM6sus, Gmajor sixth suspended, chord. Learn 20 different voicings of the G6sus4 chord on guitar with printable chord charts.