‘G88’ BMW M2 Touring Hot Hatch Wants the Digital Life of a …
2022年11月8日 · Dubbed the ‘G88’ BMW M2 Touring, this ‘ station wagon ’ design could very well serve the niches of Shooting Brakes and Hot Hatches without even giving it much thought. That is digital flexibility...
‘G88’ BMW M2 Touring Meets ‘G30’ Z4 M Coupe ... - autoevolution
2022年11月10日 · Instead, we are dealing with two of his previous (and precious) ideas, the hypothetical ‘G30’ BMW Z4 M Coupe and the ‘G88’ BMW M2 Touring, now bundled together for our comparison and viewing...
宝马全新第二代M2(G87)驾驶体验 - 懂车帝
2023年12月1日 · 去年四季度宝马正式全球首发全新第二代M2(G87),无论是1973年无比大胆的宝马2002 turbo、2011年的终极驾驶者之车宝马1M,或是2015年的初代宝马M2 (配置|询价),都让宝马在高性能紧凑型车细分市场一次次惊艳世界。 经过了解、试驾,谈谈体会。 宝马时隔七年推出第二代M2,充满动感的外形和更强大的性能,提升了这辆双门轿跑的驾驶乐趣,也展示了宝马M系的专有性和高超工艺。 宝马M2是进入宝马M高性能跑车的门槛。 新一代宝马M2让人兴 …
喜新厌旧?不存在的!G87 M2 vs F87 M2C - 懂车帝
2023年5月18日 · G87很容易上手,且很容易快,但路面有点刁钻的山路,让车辆不够贴地的情况变得更加明显,G87像是飘着的快艇。 而另一边,F87则更像是原始高性能的感觉,反馈充分且清晰,车身贴地感非常好,让我感觉这家伙很踏实地扎在地面上,带着我往前冲,这种踏实感,非常重要。 试驾完G87 M2和F87 M2 Competition之后,我说G87更像工具,F87则更像玩具,这是一个相对的概念,仅限于它俩互相的对比,F87比G87更有趣。 其实,这不稀奇。 宝马想的比我们 …
Tarox G88 Front Vented Brake Discs for BMW 2 Series (F22/F23
2025年3月5日 · Tarox G88 Brake Discs are probably the best known of all the Tarox Discs. They have 40 Radial Grooves machined into the disc surface which are designed to generate a turbine effect and therefore dissipate heat build up.
Tarox G88 Rear Vented Brake Discs for BMW 5 Series (F10/F11
2024年4月15日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Tarox G88 Rear Vented Brake Discs for BMW 5 Series (F10/F11) 523i (2010 >) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Front G88 TAROX Brake Discs Fit BMW 1 Series Convertible (e88 …
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Front G88 TAROX Brake Discs Fit BMW 1 Series Convertible (e88) 118d 2 08 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Tarox G88 Brake Discs - Rear for BMW 5 Series (E60/E61)
The Tarox G88 is probably the best known of all Tarox discs and the most instantly recognisable with its multiple radial grooves on the braking surface of the discs.
Tarox G88 vented grooved front brake disks BMW 5 528i 184cv …
Les TAROX G88 se caractérisent par des rainures radiales apparentes et une forte teneur en carbone. Ces rainures permettent aux disques TAROX G88 de générer un effet de turbine permettant de dissiper la chaleur et ainsi de refroidir rapidement.
Disco de freio traseiro Tarox G88 BMW Z4 280x9.9x60 5T
TAROX G88 é caracterizado pelas suas aparentes ranhuras radiais e alto conteúdo de carbono. Estas ranhuras permitem aos discos G88 TAROX gerar um efeito turbina que dissipa o calor e assim arrefece rapidamente. Em vários testes, os G88s foram considerados muito mais frescos do que as marcas concorrentes.