G8N1 | War Thunder Wiki
The G8N1, designated as Renzan (連山), was a four-engine heavy bomber designed by Nakajima Aircraft Company for the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1943. It was intended to be a long-range land-based attack plane that could carry a large bomb load and reach sp…
G8N1 - War Thunder Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
Update 1.29 にて追加された日本海軍のランク4の大型陸上攻撃機である。 一つ前の 四式重爆一型乙 と比べ、魚雷は積めなくなってしまっているものの、最大爆装量は三倍と防衛火力の大幅な改善が施されている。 しかし、略符号が示すように本機は戦略爆撃機ではなく大型陸上攻撃機という分類なため、最大爆装量は2.4tと他国の大型四発爆撃機と比べると見劣りしてしまう。 搭載武装解説ページ(弾薬テンプレート置き場)を開く. 解説ページを開く. 戦略爆撃機と比べる …
G8N1连山战机资料_武器配置_战争雷霆数据库 _ 游民星空 …
【战争雷霆】宇宙战舰连山 历史击杀集锦 - 哔哩哔哩
,【战争雷霆】日系宇宙战舰连山历史击杀 G8N1,【WT】阵风,战雷目前最好的战斗机?,殲-11B的逆天機動,[战雷] 阜南掏出了队列里第二好的车,但是...,bvvd等式:附加10cm木料=魔法发生器,轮椅,可能就是犯一万个错,还黏在6点,垂直跳弹钢针和掺沙小牛 ...
Nippon DEATHSTAR! G8N1 - Japan - WT Sub's Choice #43! - YouTube
2020年11月15日 · Today's episode is for Cazso sida, who asked me to fly out the G8N1, and he got the most votes/likes on his/her choice. Let's see how it went. Watch all my Air Force Rank I - VI Guides here: •...
What do you guys think of the G8N1? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年2月21日 · My fave prop bomber of the bigboi kind. Gentleman's bomber. Spaded mine in a single RB EC back when it was good. Just still a strangely low bomb load. A flying castle that have a really poor bomb load and can't take more than 3g before breaking his wings. Never seen then but once as I got shot down by one. I love her. She’s just the best.
G5N1 vs G8N1. What's the pros and cons of each? : r/Warthunder
2022年2月3日 · G8N1 High caliber pew pews and ultimate dog fighter. 447K subscribers in the Warthunder community. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin…
Is G8N1 still worth playing : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年12月19日 · Is it fun to vibe at 6000m, basically untouchable, and just base bombing? Absolutely. its not really that amazing, its bombload is really only enough for 1 base. its got pretty good guns but that only helps so much against the fighter swarms. it wasnt that hard to spade but nothing stand out. Not one bomber in this game is worth playing.
G8N1 Renzan | War Thunder Wiki | Fandom
A few paragraphs on aircraft history, design, development, employment, and other notable facts. Maximum Speed: Maximum Altitude: Turn Time: Rate of Climb: Takeoff Run: Primary Weapons Secondary Weapons Defensive Armament This section should be used to describe tactics and techniques specific to the aircraft - general strategies such as "boom and zoom" should be limited to a sentence or two ...
G8N1 - War Thunder Wiki
The G8N1, designated as Renzan (連山), was a four-engine heavy bomber designed by Nakajima Aircraft Company for the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1943. It was intended to be a long-range land-based attack plane that could carry a large bomb load and reach speeds of 590 km/h.