ZF 6HP transmission - Wikipedia
Released as the 6HP 26 in 2000, it was the first 6-speed automatic transmission in a production passenger car. Other variations of the first generation 6HP in addition to the 6HP 26, were 6HP19, and 6HP 32 having lower and higher torque capacity, respectively.
Gearbox ZF 6HP19: specifications, gear ratios, oil
The 6-speed automatic transmission ZF 6HP19 was produced in Germany from 2002 to 2013 and was installed on many rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive models of the BMW concern as GA6HP19Z. This transmission is found on Audi and Volkswagen cars under the …
自动变速箱 ZF 6HP19 - AvtoTachki
2023年3月2日 · 6速自动变速器zf 6hp19于2002年至2013年在德国生产,并作为ga6hp19z安装在宝马关注的许多后轮和全轮驱动车型上。 这种变速器可在奥迪和大众汽车上找到,编号为 0AT 或 09L。
【图】(原创)E90 BMW自动变速箱原理分析及日常使用_宝马3系 …
2010年10月2日 · 自动变速箱 ga6hp19z 内加注的机油寿命与变速箱相同,这种变速箱在整个工作过程中无需换油。 维修变速箱后只允许使用认可的机油 Shell M 1375-2。 个人分析这句话,BMW的售后维修站其实并没有完全搭变速箱的能力,所以他们的用意大约就在于你什么时候变速 …
ZF GA6HP19Z變速箱油及油底殼ZF原廠料件分享! - Mobile01
2010年5月8日 · 只要你的變速箱是zf ga6hp19z,上述油及油底殼就適用. 比較有規模的雙B材料行應該都有賣,取得並不難. 或者到外廠指定叫貨,材料供應應該都沒有問題.
宝马车系GA6HP自动变速箱详解 - 精通维修下载
2017年8月29日 · 6挡自动变速箱GA6HP19Z/GA6HP26Z于2001年7月第一次使用于E65车型系列,GA6HP 19Z和GA6HP26Z的设计理念相同,其区别在于变矩器和带多层钢片和摩擦片的离合器不相同。 自动变速箱GA6HP 19Z/GA6HP26Z如图2-3-1所示。 这两款自动变速箱早已运用于以下车型系列,见表2-3-1。 两款自动变速箱的技术数据见表2-3-2。 文章评论 评论内容只代表网友观点,与本站立场无关! Copyright © 2007-2017 down.gzweix.Com. All Rights Reserved .
ZF 6HP19 Transmission Problems & Specs
Symptoms of 6HP19 clutch problems include slipping, delayed shifts, harsh shifts, failed gear engagement, and overheating. Solution – In order to correct this common 6HP19 transmission problem, the transmission will pretty much have to be rebuilt or replaced. Need a …
变速箱 GA6HP19Z的参数什么意思呀 - 百度知道
变速箱GA6HP19Z,19Z代表变速箱的扭矩,为400N,还有26Z,32Z.. 大部分自动变速箱都是4-6档,对照先进的有7档和8档的。 此中4档的常见车型有:骐达、悦动、福克斯等;5档的常见车型有:思域、雅阁、睿翼等;6档常见车型有:朗逸、君威、迈腾等;7档的常见车型有:奔驰的诸多车型,高尔夫6代等,8档的车型则非常少了,只有雷克萨斯LS460h、宝马5系GT这两款车型. 档自动变速箱 GA6HP19z和 GA6HP26Z 由 BMW 和 ZF 司 (Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen) 共同开 …
Contact ZF for the most updated part number (for example: 6HP19 1071 040 XXX). Please, have the position number and model number prepared when you call. Thank you. Use our toll free …
BMW GA6HP19Z Automatic Transmission Service Kit
Transmission mfr code: GA6HP19Z Everything you need to properly service your BMW's ZF GA6HP19Z transmission You are driving around on a ticking time bomb if you have not serviced your BMW's automatic transmission. While BMW advertises lifetime fills the reality is there is no such thing as a lifetime fill in anything.