Gaia BH1 - Wikipedia
Gaia BH1 (Gaia DR3 4373465352415301632) is a binary system consisting of a G-type main-sequence star and a likely stellar-mass black hole, located about 1,560 light-years (478 pc) away from the Solar System in the constellation of Ophiuchus. [4]
盖亚BH1 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2024年10月21日 · 盖亚BH1 (Gaia DR3 4373465352415301632)是位于 蛇夫座,包含一颗 G型主序星 和一颗可能是 恒星黑洞 的 联星,与 太阳系 的距离大约1,560 光年 (478 秒差距) [4]。 截至2022年,天文学家有理由相信,它是 已知最接近的黑洞 (英语:List of nearest known black holes) 系统,然后是 A0620-00 [3][5]。 这颗恒星和黑洞以185.59天的周期相绕着公转, 离心率 为0.45。 恒星的质量与半径和 太阳 相近,大约是0.93 M☉ 和0.99 R☉,表面有效温度大约 …
ESA - Gaia discovers a new family of black holes
2023年3月30日 · Using data from ESA’s Gaia mission, astronomers have discovered not only the closest but also the second closest black hole to Earth. The black holes, Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2, are respectively located just 1560 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus and 3800 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus.
研究人员日前发现已知距离地球最近的黑洞,且为特殊的「休眠黑 …
2023-02-18 更新:使用同样的天体测量和视向速度结合的方法,Gaia卫星发现了 第二个同时也是第二近的黑洞双星系统Gaia BH2,质量和Gaia BH1接近,X射线和射电波段观测都证明是“休眠黑洞”, 轨道周期却是破纪录的1277天,如此大的间距同样很难用恒星物理中的 ...
New type of black hole found lurking in Earth's 'cosmic backyard' …
2023年4月3日 · Dubbed Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2, the two black holes are the closest to Earth of any discovered so far, according to ESA. Gaia BH1 lies a mere 1,560 light-years from our solar system towards...
2 newfound black holes are the closest ever to Earth | Space
2023年4月4日 · The black holes, designated Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2, were discovered in data collected by the European Space Agency's (ESA) Gaia spacecraft. Gaia BH1 is located just 1,560 light-years...
Record breaker! Newfound black hole is closest known to Earth
2022年11月4日 · The newfound object, a stellar-mass black hole called Gaia BH1, resides in a binary system whose other member is a sunlike star. That star is about as far from its companion black...
New Record: Nearest Known Black Hole to Earth Discovered
2022年11月5日 · Maunakea, Hawaiʻi – Astronomers using two Maunakea Observatories, W. M. Keck Observatory and the Gemini North telescope, have found the closest known black hole to our planet. Located a mere 1,560 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus, the black hole, named Gaia BH1, is three times closer to us than the previous record-holder.
Gaia BH1 Black Hole: Size, Mass, Diameter, Radius, Temperature ...
2024年2月23日 · Gaia BH1 Black Hole Size: Gaia BH1 is a stellar-mass black hole, and unlike astronomical bodies with solid surfaces, black holes are characterized by their gravitational influence and the boundary known as the event horizon.
發現最靠近地球的黑洞:Gaia BH1 - PanSci 泛科學
2022年11月30日 · 以天文學家 Kareem El-Badry 為首的團隊,利用蓋亞(Gaia)衛星極度精準的天體位置資料,加上多座望遠鏡聯合進行的徑向速度量測,成功確認了約 1550 光年外位於蛇夫座的一顆恆星,正與黑洞互相繞行,打破離地球最近的黑洞紀錄。