GAZ-53 - Wikipedia
The GAZ-53 is a 3.5 tonne 4x2 truck produced by GAZ between 1961 and 1993. Introduced first as GAZ-53F, it was joined by the virtually identical 2.5-ton GAZ-52 in 1962, which was …
苏联GAZ(嘎斯)-53系列载重汽车 - 哔哩哔哩
1983年投产的嘎斯gaz-53-12型4.5吨汽油卡车是gaz-53a型4吨卡车的改进车型,相对于老车型gaz-53a而言,gaz-53-12车型的总体结构变化不大,外观上简化了车头进气格栅的造型,载重量 …
苏联GАZ—53系列载重汽车(重制版)(1) - 哔哩哔哩
gaz-53设在保加利亚和古巴的组装厂。有一家保加利亚工厂从1967年到1991年一直在生产gaz-53,年产量3000台,装备产于保加利亚的发动机。出口型 gaz-53的型号 …
Gaz 53 Truck (1961-1993) - Motor Car History
It featured a brand-new 4254 cc light-alloy V8 ZMZ-53 engine producing 120 hp (89 kW)@ 3200 rpm giving a top speed of 90 km/h (56 mph). Payload was increased to 4 tons in later model, …
苏联GAZ—53系列载重汽车(重制版)(2) - 哔哩哔哩
在战时并不会被民转军,gaz-53是的一种专为民用领域设计的卡车。 这也就能解释清楚为什么GAZ-53有很多种不同颜色,和之前苏联卡车出厂的时候只有军绿色涂装不同,GAZ-53有 …
苏联卡车嘎斯GAZ 53 与 GAZ 52 傻傻分不清楚-有驾
2021年6月9日 · gaz-53 1961 年在高尔基汽车厂开始生产。 工程师在其上安装了一台体积为 4250 立方厘米,115 马力的汽油八缸四冲程发动机,四速机械式变速箱,使用的是苏联A-76号汽 …
GAZ-53 - SovAvto website
1998年9月30日 · * (parenthesis) give technical data for GAZ-53 that is different from GAZ-53F. This series of trucks was made until 1991. They were the most popular (common) GAZes on …
GAZ-53 - Soviet Union (USSR) Wiki
The GAZ-53 is a 3.5 tonne 4x2 truck produced by GAZ between 1961 and 1993. Introduced first as GAZ-53F, it was joined by the virtually identical 2.5-ton GAZ-52 in 1962, which was …
The History Of GAZ 53 - Cars-Directory.NET
GAZ-53 is a 3.5 ton 4x2 truck from GAZ, introduced first as GAZ-53F in 1961. Powered by old 75hp (56kW) 6-cylinder engine from the GAZ-51 it was joined in 1962 by the virtually identical …
Oldtimer gallery. Trucks. GAZ-53.
gaz-53 (Data for GAZ-53, GAZ-53F has been supplied with engine from old GAZ-51 ) Years of production: 1961 - 1966 (GAZ-53F), 1964 - 1965 (GAZ-53), 1965 - 1991?