GAZ-M1 - Wikipedia
The GAZ M1 (“Эмка“/”Emka”) was a passenger car produced by the Soviet automaker GAZ between 1936 and 1943, at their plant in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Systematic production ended in 1941, but the factory was able to continue assembling cars from existing inventory of parts and components until 1943.
GAZ-M1 | Soviet Union (USSR) Wiki | Fandom
The GAZ-M1 is a passenger vehicle that was produced by the Gorki Auto Plant from 1936 to 1943. The vehicle is the successor of the GAZ-A which was discontiniued in 1936. The GAZ-M1 is based on the Ford Model B which was discontiniued in 1934, but Ford still provided the Soviets with the tooling of the vehicle.
二战坦克图集——苏联坦克装甲车与变形车 - 知乎
发动装置:GAZ-M1型4缸汽油机引擎50马力. 最大速度:87千米/小时. 最大行程:320千米. 车组乘员:4. 主要武器:45mm M1934/38加农炮×1,7.62mmDT 机枪×2. 最大装甲:15mm. 装甲车BA64(侦查型) 装甲车BA64B. 装备时间:1941年. 车身重量:2.45吨. 车身长度:3.66米. 车身宽 …
GAZ M1 history | Avtoclassika
Four-cylinder engine, boosted by type "Ford" up to 50 hp, differed from the GAZ-A engine with an increased compression ratio, a more advanced carburetor, a newly introduced fuel pump, a water pump, an automatic ignition timing and a pressure lubrication system.
GAZ-M1 - Wikiwand
The GAZ M1 (“Эмка“/”Emka”) was a passenger car produced by the Soviet automaker GAZ between 1936 and 1943, at their plant in Gorky.
【鹰唳雨后晴】设定28:苏联非战斗车辆 - 知乎
The History Of GAZ - Cars-Directory.NET
The GAZ-A was succeeded by the more modern GAZ M1 (based largely on the Ford V8), produced from 1936 to 1942. The M letter stands for Molotovets ('of Molotov's fame'), it was the origin of the car's nickname, M'ka (Эмка). Experience with the A and the M1 allowed the GAZ engineers to develop their own car model independently of Ford.
GAZ-M1 - Kustomrama
2013年4月8日 · GAZ-M1 was the first soviet car with automatic ignition outstripping and back-forward adjstable front seats. This car is very famous and prevailing car of war times, it is mentioned even in this period songs. People called it "Emka" for letter M in its name.
ACE: Model GAZ-M1
GAZ-M1. GAZ plant was the first plant in the USSR to introduce in-line production of vehicles with the support of American experts from the Ford Motor Company. The GAZ-A (based on Ford-A) was succeeded by the more modern GAZ M1 (based largely on the Ford V8 but with boosted engine and modified chassis), produced from 1936-1942.
GAZ-M1 | 1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki | Fandom
The GAZ-M1 is a passenger vehicle that was produced by the Gorki Auto Plant from 1936 to 1943. The vehicle is the successor of the GAZ-A which was discontiniued in 1936. The GAZ-M1 is based on the Ford Model B which was discontiniued in 1934, but Ford still provided the Soviets with the tooling...