How to return KB, MB and GB from Bytes using a public function
I'm writing a "function" that returns a file's size (in B, KB, MB, GB). The VB.Net code always gets the size in bytes first, so when a file's size (in Bytes) is less than 100 it returns B, if its > 1000 then I divide it by 1000 and it returns KB.
Does .NET provide an easy way convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, etc.?
One thing to bear in mind - in SI notation, "kilo" usually uses a lowercase k while all of the larger units use a capital letter. Windows uses KB, MB, GB, so I have used KB above, but you may consider kB instead. Both examples now use floating point division so there should be much less concern about rounding errors. Very neat implementation.
VB.NET || How To Convert Bytes To Kilobytes, Megabytes, …
The following is a module with functions which demonstrates how to convert bytes to decimal formats like kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, exabytes, zettabytes, and yottabytes, as well as binary formats like kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, tebibytes, pebibytes, exbibytes, zebibytes, and yobibytes using VB.NET.
cektor/VB.net-MB-GB-TB-Converter - GitHub
2024年11月14日 · Computer Unit Converter MB-GB-TB Conversion Operations Written in VB.net Language. Cross Platform (Windows-MacOS-Linux) Works with Wine Support
VB Helper: HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, …
This example shows how to format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. by using an array of postfixes in VB .NET. Thanks to Dougal Morrison for the original VB 6 example.
VB Helper: HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, …
This example shows how to format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. in VB .NET. Unfortunately the StrFormatByteSize API function (click here for an example) uses long integers to store byte values so it can only handle up to 2,147,483,647 bytes or a bit less than 2 GB.
vb 乱码转GB字符 - 百度知道
2013年9月4日 · vb 乱码转GB字符转换函数 Public Function Uf8ToUf(strUf8 As String) As String'将UF8转为VB内部处理编码UF'在网上找的一个源码是读取UF8文本/保存UF8格式文本的。 但老出错。
C#/VB取文件的大小 (KB,MB,GB...) - CSDN博客
2019年1月18日 · gb 存储单位换算:1gb 不等于 1000mb 也不等于 1000000kb,正确的换算是 1gb = 1024mb = 1024 * 1024kb。 4. 发布网站后的文件夹:在发布网站后,app-code 文件夹通常不存在,因为它是 asp.net 中用于存放动态...
UTF-8转GB2312代码(VB) - CSDN博客
2007年9月28日 · 如果只有某个页的编码需要修改,ASP.net 中则可以简单的使用下面代码: Encoding gb2312 = Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312");Response.ContentEncoding = gb2312; 在非ASP.net 应用中,可能你读到的数据是UTF-8编码,但是你要转换为GB2312编码,则可以参考以下代码: string utfinf...
Bytes to KB,MB, or GB converter code included-VBForums
2011年1月2日 · It will force you to declare all variables so VB doesn't do it automatically and use Variants. For example your 'opt1' is undeclared (unless it's a global variable or a form property). - Another good practice is to avoid default properties. For example instead of just doing Text2 =... write Text2.Text = ...
VS 2010 Converting bytes to gigabytes.-VBForums
2013年10月16日 · '1 GB = 1024 ^ 3 - GigaByte. '1 TB = 1024 ^ 4 - TeraByte. '1 PB = 1024 ^ 5 - PetaByte. '1 EB = 1024 ^ 6 - ExaByte. '1 ZB = 1024 ^ 7 - ZettaByte. '1 YB = 1024 ^ 8 - YottaByte. '1 BB = 1024 ^ 9 - BrontoByte. You will see that a GB is 1024 raised to the power of 3 - that is why you had to divide it three times.
VB Helper: HowTo: Format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB …
Use the StrFormatByteSize API function. ' Return a formatted string representing ' the number of bytes. String. txt = Space$(256) StrFormatByteSize num_bytes, txt, Len(txt) FormatBytes = Left$(txt, InStr(txt, vbNullChar) - 1)
VB.NET实现GB/T 8170-2008规定的四舍六入五留双修约方式
2024年12月9日 · 以下通过两种方法实现GB/T 8170-2008中规定的数值修约方式,也可叫做四舍六入五留双规则,代码个人验证时暂未发现问题,仅做参考,可根据自己需求优化,如有问题可在评论区讨论。 方法一: 采用系统自带的Math.Round函数. Dim TempDbl As Double '双精度浮点数临 …
[RESOLVED] [2005] Convert bytes to kb/mb/gb-VBForums
2009年3月8日 · Const kiloB As Long = 1024. Const megaB As Long = CLng(kiloB ^ 2) Const gigaB As Long = CLng(kiloB ^ 3) Const teraB As Long = CLng(kiloB ^ 4) Private Function cnvrtTO(ByVal numBytes As Long, Optional ByVal unit As String = "m") As String. Dim retval As String, asDBL As Double, fmt As String = "N0" Select Case unit.ToLower. Case "k"
VB Helper: HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, …
This program formats byte values in KB, MB, GB, TB, petabytes (1 PB = 1024 TBs), EB (1 exabyte = 1024 PBs), ZB (1 zettabyte = 1024 EBs), and YB (1 yottabyte - 1024 ZBs). It generates the formatted result directly rather than using the API function.
VB Helper: HowTo: Format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, …
This example shows how to format a BIG number of bytes in KB, MB, GB, TB, etc. by using an array of postfixes in Visual Basic 6. Thanks to Dougal Morrison . Unfortunately the StrFormatByteSize API function ( click here for an example) uses long integers to store byte values so it can only handle up to 2,147,483,647 bytes or a bit less than 2 GB.
i want to use Regex.IsMatch to find TB, GB, MB in VB.net Visual Basic
2020年5月16日 · void Example() { String textBoxValue = "3 GB"; if( TryParseBinaryDataQuantity( textBoxValue, out Int64 valueBytes ) ) { MessageBox.Show( "Visual Basic is dead." ); } else { MessageBox.Show( "Input is not a valid binary data quantity."
Unit suffix i.e. KB, MB, GB, etc. - Visual Basic
2013年11月7日 · To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. The following extension makes it easy to format numbers with a suffix. Here is a sample that shows it in use: Dim l As Long = Short.MaxValue. Debug.WriteLine(l.ToUnit()) Debug.WriteLine(l.ToUnit(2, Units.MB)) l = Integer.MaxValue.
/comp/gb.vb - Gambas Documentation - gambaswiki.org
This component implements a set of functions that imitate the behaviour of equivalent Visual Basic™ functions. Benoît Minisini, Daniel Campos Fernández, Nigel Gerrard. The VB class contains static methods equivalent to VB built-in functions whose Gambas equivalents don't work quite the same way.
VB Helper: HowTo: Format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB …
This example shows how to format a number of bytes in KB, MB, and GB by using StrFormatByteSize in VB .NET. The FormatBytes function uses the StrFormatByteSize API function. ' Return a formatted string representing ' the number of bytes. String. Dim txt As String. txt = Space$(256) StrFormatByteSize(num_bytes, txt, Len(txt))
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