【改版工具】口袋改版资源吧改版工具箱1.1 - 哔哩哔哩
该工具包收录了从gbc、gba、nds、3ds、rpgxp乃至安卓端的大量改版工具,所有工具均为圈内大佬制作分享,本人仅做收录整合处理,工具多来源国外,另有少部分为国内大佬制作,汉化部分基本上是由国内改版元老级社区ptb、电玩口袋以及口袋改版资源吧等的诸位大佬 ...
GBARunner2 DS - GameBrew
2024年8月16日 · GBARunner2 is a hypervisor that runs GBA games on DS/ DSi/3DS in DS mode. Note: GBARunner2 has the open source bios of Normmatt integrated. A GBA bios is thus optional, but can be used to improve compatibility with some games. To use your GBA bios, put it in either /bios.bin, /gba/bios.bin or /_gba/bios.bin.
Modding a DS or DS lite for GBA multiplayer - GBAtemp.net
2025年2月26日 · I was prying open an old DS lite of mine and in the search for the components to get it to work just like new i thought: is there any way to solder a gba link cable port into the mainbord of the DS and make it work? for what I see in the lite's board, there is not much space for it but it's still worth asking.
List of all DS Rom Hacks - GameBrew
Pokemon SoulSilver Rom hack. Mario Kart DS rom hack. The biggest, most ambitious romhack to date. A romhack with the goal of bringing the content from Mario Kart Wii to Mario Kart DS. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin rom hack. It has a new story, new items, sprites, weapons, music, and most of the games areas are modified in both small and big ways.
Modded Nintendo DS / DS Lite | GBAtemp.net - The …
2025年2月26日 · To play GBA games on a NDS or DS Lite you'll need either one of those flash cards and a EZ Flash 3 in 1 which allows you to play GBA games without emulating them like the DSTWO does and thus offers the highest compatibility.
NDS Lite Flex Amp for GBA Macro Mod - Helders Game Tech
This amp combines 2 different mods into 1 (Lower Screen Conversion and Audio Amplification) and with it’s flex pcb is super slim and really easy to solder on with just 7 solder points. The amp has the following features: Thank you for supporting Original …
nds-bootstrap modified to allow play DS games with only one …
2025年2月26日 · I have included a swap screen option through key combination SELECT+UP / SELECT+DOWN in nds-bootstrap to enjoy NDS titles in GBMacros or DS with one screen damaged. To use it follow those instructions: Download it from this repository and copy it to _nds folder of TwilighMenu++. In your console, press Y in a NDS title and select nds-bootstrap ...
PassMe Nintendo DS Mod Chip - Gameboy Advance
PassMe is a device designed by Natrium42 based off of the first DS passthrough made by DarkFader using an FPGA dev kit. It redirects the DS to a GBA Flash cart, so you can run your own program (roms) on the Nintendo DS.
NDSGBA - GameBrew
2024年8月24日 · This is a Game Boy Advance emulator for the NDS based on DarkChen's NDS-GBA emulator for the iPlayer, adapted for the SuperCard DSTWO. It contains features such as cheat support, game fast-forward/rewind, and realtime save states.
10 Best Pokemon DS ROM Hacks For 2024 - PokemonCoders
Pokemon DS ROM hacks can be just as fun as any GBA or GBC hacks. The issue is that DS ROMs are way harder to alter, so there aren’t many of them around. Patching DS ROMs can …