Kiss of The Devil - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Kiss of The Devil's associated Arcarum Evoker is Fraux. Sephira Maxi-Fire 20% boost to damage cap to Fire allies when in Arcarum: The World Beyond and Replicard Sandbox .
恶魔之吻 - 碧蓝幻想中文维基|Granblue Fantasy|碧蓝幻想Relink|碧 …
本维基是由爱好者制作的网页游戏 《碧蓝幻想》 (日语:グランブルーファンタジー,英语:Granblue Fantasy) 的简体中文化的攻略维基,旨在为主要使用简体中文语言的玩家提供攻略的翻译和资料整理。
Fraux - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
2024年10月1日 · Fraux's associated New World Foundation Weapon is Kiss of The Devil. Bonus Pose is unlocked by clearing the event story ending of Tales of Arcarum: The Devil. This character has received balance updates on the following dates: 2022-05-17, 2023-08-16, 2024-04-04; Power Conflagration. Red Heat HP is lowered on every turn Strength: Turn 1: 9999 ...
Kiss of the Devil (New World Foundation) Showcase キス・オブ …
Kiss of the devil is a weapon capitalizing on the m... With all the new world quartz I farmed from GW, I decided to get all the replicard sandbox weapons at 0*.
gbf月末活动惊现直..虽然不明说是kiss 但台词立绘已经暗示的非常充分了身为qks自己都被惊喜到了 别说一般向二游 就算以百合为主体的二游能达到这么直球的画面的已经算稀有到无了。
Weapon Discussion: Kiss of The Devil : r/Granblue_en - Reddit
2021年8月24日 · Weapon Discussion: Kiss of the Devil Journal Entry. A claw brought forth by the temptuous devil. Its ferocious slash brings terror and chaos, dragging its victims deep into a …
Granblue Fantasy - Kiss of the Devil Weapon Showcase
2020年12月11日 · Kind of average, but 50k supp damage is 50k supp damage.
Kiss of the Devil FA magna setup #GranblueFantasy - YouTube
Rein's sub-all and immortality, together with AoE drains and Fraux's heal make this team pre...
碧蓝幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
碧蓝幻想Relink已经发售!国区售价298 资料缺失期间还请多利用站内链接访问GameWith 攻略、Granblue Fantasy Wiki等站点获取所需资讯 维基建设相关内容请参考资料来源说明和维基制作进度,也可以关注微博更新姬了解最新更新情况 如果发现wiki有错误需要纠正,可至NGA的反馈贴反馈,或私信更新姬告知。
"Unbound Asterism" Event Discussion Thread (2023-08-30)
2023年8月29日 · English-language community for Granblue Fantasy, a web-browser role-playing gacha game developed by Cygames. This thread is for any discussions that are directly related to the current event story or the lore to which it relate. Event starts: 19:00 JST, August 29, 2023. Event ends: 20:59 JST, September 6, 2023.