Seofon - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Gender Gender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. One of the Eternals—they who stand astride the skies and across the path of any would-be calamity. Seofon seems rather carefree for the leader of the Eternals, but he's actually a proud and driven man.
Seofon (Raid) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
2024年9月21日 · Cost to Host: 100 AP, Gale Rock ×3: Cost to Join: Rank 200+, 5 EP Unlock: Rank 200+, Unlock Party Set Extra, Host & Clear Dark Rapture (Hard), Clear Chapter 112 Story: Father's Footsteps: Participants: 6 Vice: 2nd-3rd Elixirs: 1: Strike Time: No Strike Time does not apply for this raid.: Location: Chapter 112: The Edgelands - Edgelands Village: Start Quest Network Errors will appear if the ...
翻译自enwiki的六属攻略之机炎方阵篇/Seofon - 碧蓝幻想中文维 …
本维基是由爱好者制作的网页游戏《碧蓝幻想》(日语:グランブルーファンタジー,英语:Granblue Fantasy)的简体中文化的攻略维基,旨在为主要使用简体中文语言的玩家提供攻略的翻译和资料整理。. 本维基使用灰机wiki提供的免费Mediawiki平台,站点内所涉及的公司名称、商标、产品等均为其各自 ...
Seofon - GBF Guide
Seofon/Siete is the wind raid of the Revan series. This guide will go over the basic details of the fight as well as setups for fighting it. For more detailed mechanics information, please check the wiki. Siete resets all summon cooldowns on entry and knocks out all non Fire allies.
Seofon (Raid)/Grids - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
to invalidate Seofon's damaging omens. Because the skill resets its cooldown on enemy special attack, it will always be available. As such, this character is replaceable in this setup. The other character slots as well as the MC class is flexible.
Seofon - Granblue Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Seofon's name in Japanese is "Siete." Seofon can take damage and not lose Swordshine as long as his HP is the same or higher than it was at the start of the turn; buffs like Refresh and Col may help Seofon from losing Swordshine .
碧蓝幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
碧蓝幻想简体中文圈wiki. 本维基是由爱好者制作的网页游戏《碧蓝幻想》(日语:グランブルーファンタジー,英语:Granblue Fantasy)的简体中文化的攻略维基,旨在为主要使用简体中文语言的玩家提供攻略的翻译和资料整理。. 本维基使用灰机wiki提供的免费Mediawiki平台,站点内所涉 …
Seofon - VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Name: Seofon / Siete / Leader of Eternals / Star Sword Sovereign. Origin: Granblue Fantasy. Gender: Male. Age: 27. Classification: Skydweller.
Seofon/Siete (Impossible) Magna Berserker 4M Honors w
I felt like I had to make this video cuz until now I still see ppl having problems farming this raid despite having the core trio for fire burst... which is ...
宝剑之七 - 碧蓝幻想中文维基|Granblue Fantasy|碧蓝幻想Relink|碧 …
本维基是由爱好者制作的网页游戏 《碧蓝幻想》 (日语:グランブルーファンタジー,英语:Granblue Fantasy) 的简体中文化的攻略维基,旨在为主要使用简体中文语言的玩家提供攻略的翻译和资料整理。 本维基使用 灰机wiki 提供的免费Mediawiki平台,站点内所涉及的公司名称、商标、产品等均为其各自所有者的资产,仅供识别。 站点内使用的游戏图片,其版权为 Cygames 所有。 本维基中提供的资料为多种来源的汇总整理,具体请参考 资料来源说明。 《碧蓝幻想中 …