General Electric CF6 - Wikipedia
The General Electric CF6, US military designations F103 and F138, is a family of high-bypass turbofan engines produced by GE Aviation. Based on the TF39, the first high-power high-bypass jet engine, the CF6 powers a wide variety of civilian airliners. The basic engine core also powers the LM2500 and LM6000 marine and power generation turboshafts.
Currently certified on 14 widebody aircraft models and with 16 ratings, the CF6-80C2 has received FAA 180-minute Extended Range Operations (ETOPS) approval for A300, A310, 747, and 767 aircraft, offering route structuring flexibility and added economic benefits.
通用电气CF6 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年9月29日 · 通用电气CF6 是 通用电气航空 生产的一系列民用高 涵道比 涡轮风扇发动机,原型为用于 C-5运输机 的 通用电气TF39 (英语:General Electric TF39)。 其衍生产品包括海军用的 LM2500 (英语:General Electric LM2500) 、LM5000、 LM6000 (英语:General Electric LM6000) 及用于发电的 涡轮轴发动机 等等。 通用电气计划用 GEnx 取代CF6。 通用电气在1960年代末为 C-5运输机 开发TF39发动机后,研制了动力更大的民用版本CF6,而当时 美国 …
CF6 Engine Family - GE Aerospace
GE Aerospace's CF6 engine family powers nearly 70 percent of the world's widebody aircraft. The CF6 is the leading engine of choice for new and conversion widebody freighters due to its proven durability, reliability, and performance.
奇異CF6 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
奇異CF6 是 奇異航空 生產的一系列民用高 旁通比 渦輪扇發動機,原型為用於 C-5運輸機 的 奇異TF39 (英語:General Electric TF39)。 其衍生產品包括海軍用的 LM2500 (英語:General Electric LM2500) 、LM5000、 LM6000 (英語:General Electric LM6000) 及用於發電的 渦輪軸發動機 等等。 奇異計畫用 GEnx 取代CF6。 奇異在1960年代末為 C-5運輸機 開發TF39發動機後,研製了動力更大的民用版本CF6,而當時 美國東方航空 正在 洛克希德L-1011 和 麥道DC …
The CF6-80C2 is a ubiquitous engine, with more than 3,200 units in operation and powering five widebody aircraft families. The General Electric (GE) CF6- 80C2 series is one of the most popular widebody engines in operation. The first engines were delivered in 1986 and there are still outstanding orders for 747-400s with CF6-80C2 engines.
CF6 - 百度百科
CF6-80A/C Type Certificate Data Sheet - studylib.net
Type Certificate Data Sheet for CF6-80A and CF6-80C series aircraft engines. Includes technical data, operating limits, and more.
CF6-80C2 Engine - Delta Flight Products
The CF6-80C2 is certified on several widebody aircraft models, and Delta TechOps has serviced these engines since 1982.
通用电气CF6 - 全球百科
通用电气CF6系列是美国通用电气制造商生产的一种广泛使用的中推力喷气发动机。最初的TF39型号是第一款具有高涵道比的涡扇发动机,是今天的MTUAeroEngines参与开发的第一款商用发动机。 CF6基于军用型号TF39。