AIC, BIC and GCV: what is best for making decision in penalized ...
Jul 20, 2014 · How GCV can relate to BIC or AIC? How these criteria, together or separate used in selection of penalty term in panelized regression like ridge ? Edit: Here is an example to …
The cross validation (CV) and the generalized cross validation (GCV ...
His treatment integrates GCV in general with applications in regression and logistic regression. If you look at the ESL book, p 244, you see basically the same symbology. They refer to that …
r - Are absolute values of GCV meaningful for GAMs fit to different ...
Sep 21, 2017 · The GCV score, $\mathcal{V}_g$, therefore depends on the units of the response and/or on the specific data used in the model. As such you cannot compare, in a meaningful …
regression - How I can interpret GAM results? - Cross Validated
Aug 7, 2022 · GCv is preferred here as it can be calculated without actually cross-validating (refitting the model to subsets of the data) it, which saves computational time/effort. The value …
Model smoothness selection for GAMs: GCV vs. REML vs. ML?
Mar 9, 2021 · I am, however, confused when it comes to model selection here. So far, I went with the default in mgcv::gam (using gam(..., select=TRUE), which uses a GCV fitting procedure, …
GAM optimization methods in mgcv R package - which to choose?
Sep 4, 2017 · GCV.Cp (the default) which is GCV for models with unknown scale parameter and Mallows Cp/UBRE/AIC for models with known scale (poisson, binomial) GAV.Cp is as per …
Understanding ridge regression results - Cross Validated
Anyway, $\lambda = 0$ implies zero penalty, hence the least squares estimates are optimal in the sense that they had the lowest GCV (generalised cross validation) score. However, you may …
r - How to tune smoothing in mgcv GAM model - Cross Validated
The k argument effectively sets up the dimensionality of the smoothing matrix for each term.gam() is using a GCV or UBRE score to select an optimal amount of smoothness, but it can only …
R Ridge Regression: Choosing best lambda - Cross Validated
Jun 22, 2019 · (Changing a comment to an answer.) Yes, you want the lambda that minimizes GCV. MASS's lm.ridge doesn't choose a default lambda sequence for you. Look at this …
r - Smoothing methods for gam in mgcv package? - Cross Validated
Oct 31, 2016 · Simon Wood has shown that REML (or ML) selection performs better than GCV, which can undersmooth in situations where the objective function is flat around the optimal …