GDF3 Gene - GeneCards | GDF3 Protein | GDF3 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · GDF3 (Growth Differentiation Factor 3) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with GDF3 include Microphthalmia/Coloboma 6 and Microphthalmia, Isolated 7. Among its related pathways are Endoderm differentiation and Mesodermal commitment pathway.
GDF3 - Wikipedia
Growth differentiation factor-3 (GDF3), also known as Vg-related gene 2 (Vgr-2) is protein that in humans is encoded by the GDF3 gene. [5] GDF3 belongs to the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily. It has high similarity to other TGF-β superfamily members including Vg1 (found in frogs) and GDF1. [5]
GDF3 gene - MedlinePlus
The GDF3 gene provides instructions for making a protein that is part of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) superfamily, which is a group of proteins that help control the growth and development of tissues throughout the body. Learn about this gene and related health conditions.
GDF3 growth differentiation factor 3 [ (human)] - National …
GDF3 is either a bi-functional TGF-beta ligand, or, more likely, that it is a BMP inhibitor that can artificially activate Nodal signaling under non-physiological conditions. GDF3 regulates adipose-tissue homeostasis and energy balance under nutrient overload in …
生长分化因子 3(GDF3)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
该基因编码 TGF-β (转化生长因子-β) 蛋白质超家族的分泌配体。 该家族的配体结合各种 TGF-β 受体,导致调节基因表达的 SMAD 家族转录因子的募集和激活。 编码的前原蛋白经过蛋白水解处理,生成二硫键连接的同型二聚体的每个亚基。 这种蛋白质在眼睛和骨骼发育中起作用。 该基因的突变与人类患者的小眼病、缺损和骨骼异常有关。 [RefSeq 提供,2016 年 8 月] This gene encodes a secreted ligand of the TGF-beta (transforming growth factor-beta) superfamily of …
GDF3, a BMP inhibitor, regulates cell fate in stem cells and early ...
2006年1月15日 · We show that GDF3 is an inhibitor of its own subfamily, blocks classic BMP signaling in multiple contexts, interacts with BMP proteins and is expressed specifically in the node during gastrulation in a pattern consistent with BMP inhibition.
GDF3 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
GDF3 is a member of the TGF-β1/bone morphogenetic protein family of growth factors that may also have NODAL-like activity (88–90). FIGURE 141-4 . Klippel–Feil anomaly of the cervical spine in a patient with a GDF3 mutation.
GDF3 as a biomarker for fibrotic remodeling after myocardial
2023年1月18日 · To prevent extensive fibrosis and maintain cardiac contractility, a better understanding of fibrotic scar formation is needed. In a recent study, Masurkar et al. identified GDF3, a member of the...
新型心肌因子 GDF3 可预测心肌梗死后的不良纤维化重 …
2022年12月9日 · 在这些因子中,TGF-β(转化生长因子-β)家族的成员 GDF3(生长分化因子 3)在缺血心脏中显着上调。 专门富含 GDF3 的条件培养基通过刺激激活素受体样激酶,诱导高水平的成纤维细胞增殖。 根据这种蛋白质的分泌性质,我们接下来发现可以在小鼠和人类血浆样本中检测到 GDF3,并且在 MI 后的几天内显着增加。 在人类中,较高的 GDF3 循环水平(在 MI 后第 4 天在血浆中测量)与 MI 后 6 个月不良重塑风险增加显着相关(调整后的比值比,1.76 …
GDF3 growth differentiation factor 3 - NIH Genetic Testing …
2023年11月23日 · GDF3 inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells and promotes the apoptosis induced by Taxol. Expression pattern of growth/differentiation factor 3 in human and murine cerebral cortex, hippocampus as well as cerebellum. Hexige S, Guo J, Ma L, Sun Y, Liu X, Ma L, Yan X, Li Z, Yu LHexige S, et al. Neurosci Lett, 2005 Dec 2. PMID 16126341.