General Electric F110 - Wikipedia
The General Electric F110 is an afterburning turbofan jet engine produced by GE Aerospace (formerly GE Aviation). It was derived from the General Electric F101 as an alternative engine to the Pratt & Whitney F100 for powering tactical fighter aircraft, with the F-16C Fighting Falcon and F-14A+/B Tomcat being the initial platforms; the F110 ...
通用電氣F110 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
通用電氣F110 為一款由 GE航空 制造的带有 後燃器 的大推力 涡扇引擎。 F110引擎採用與通用電氣 F101 (英语:General Electric F101) 相同的核心部件。 F118渦輪扇發動機 为一款無加力燃燒室的衍生產品。 該引擎也授權土耳其 圖薩斯發動機工業 (英语:Tusaş Engine Industries) 、日本 IHI 和韓國 韓華航太 (英语:Hanwha Aerospace) 製造。 當 F-14A 於1973年初服役時,上面搭載的是 普惠TF30發動機 (英语:Pratt & Whitney TF30)。
F110 Engine - GE Aerospace
GE Aerospace’s Advanced F110 engine has been significantly improved to adapt to the unique demands of the F-15EX. New increased airflow, jet engine efficiency, a three-stage chord blisk fan, and an advanced radial augmentor reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and increase the life span of parts.
Today’s F110-GE-129 offers maximum mission capability for the latest generation of F-16C/D and F-15 aircraft. Sharing 81% parts commonality with the F110-GE-100 – the safest single-engine powerplant in U.S. Air Force history in its class – the -129 offers significant mission advantages throughout the F-15 and F-16 envelopes.
and reduce life-cycle costs. GE Aerospace’s F110 has also demonstrated world-class durability in hot and harsh environments through significant improvements in engine hot section hardware. The F110 family powers 70% of today’s U.S. Air Force frontline F-16 combat aircraft and 100% of is also the engine of choice for allied air forces
GE-110 エンデュランスロード | 株式会社フカヤ
ge-110 エンデュランスロード 「コンペティションスペック」を搭載したエンデュランスロード! 「GE-110」はプロサイクリスト三船雅彦氏監修の下、単なる「エンデュランスバイク」ではなく「速く・快適に走れるバイク」をコンセプトに、構想から約2年以上 ...
GE F110 F404/F414 Fighter Engines Expand Capability and Global …
2005年6月13日 · The engine is derived from the highly successful F110-GE-100 and F110-GE-129 engines powering 70 percent of the latest-generation F-16C/Ds worldwide. The F110-GE-132 will produce up to 32,500 pounds (144 kN) of thrust, thanks to a new blisk fan configuration, which has fewer parts and higher air flow.
GE F110 and F404 Fighter Engines Expand Capability and Global …
2004年7月19日 · For almost two decades, GEAE's F110 engine family has been the best-selling engine for single-engine Lockheed Martin F-16C/Ds worldwide. Full integration of the F110 into the F-15K is complete. F-16E/F: Two Block 60 Lockheed Martin F-16E/F aircraft, powered by the higher-thrust F110-GE-132 engine, are continuing flight tests.
The F110 engine: four decades of power, innovation, and a …
2024年12月28日 · But what became known as the “Great Engine War” of the 1980s changed that, launching GE Aerospace’s F110 engine, which continues to power new fighter jets around the world. Using the GE F101 engine, originally built for the B-1 bomber, as a foundation, GE Aerospace engineers set out to develop a competitive power plant.
F110-GE-129 - GE AVIATION - PDF Catalogs | Technical …
F110-GE-129 to power F-15 fleets. GE has introduced hardware upgrades capable of allowing the -129 to operate for 6,000 TACs between scheduled visits, which represents a 40% reduction in scheduled engine vi