This chapter contains important user information, safety notices, regulatory information, and a general description of the intended use of the IN Cell Analyzer. The Operating Instructions provide you with the instructions needed to install, operate, …
GE INCell Analyzer 2200 - Program for Interdisciplinary …
2020年7月27日 · This super-fast, sensitive, and flexible widefield cell imaging system is suitable for a broad range of high-content assays (HCA), including compound screening, predictive toxicology, protein localization and trafficking, functional studies, and stem cell analysis.
IN CELL ANALYZER 2200 - GE Healthcare Life Sciences
IN Cell Analyzer 2200 is a super-fast and sensitive widefield cell imaging system fine-tuned to the needs of the entire high-content imaging workflow. Designed to bring efficiency to your imaging so you can spend more time on your science, it...
高内涵细胞成像分析系统 IN Cell 2500HS - biokeyhealth.com
IN Cell 2500 HS 是经典高内涵机型IN Cell 2200 的升级版,采用新一代科研级sCMOS 相机和七色 新型固态荧光光源InsightSSI,成像速度更快,灵敏度更高。 科研级 sCMOS相机--420 万像素大视野,和科研级CCD 相机相比,噪音低五倍,灵敏度更高,动态范围更宽,帧速更快,光学假 象和变形现象更少。 高效操控软件--可以在1.5 分钟之内完成96 孔板整板双色荧光的扫描(96-well Greiner μClear plate,two-color assay,100ms exposure);在10 分钟之内完成1536 孔板整 …
GE Healthcare’s INCell Analyzer 2000 and its associated software tools comprise an advanced automated digital microscopy system for rapid analysis of cellular assays.
GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200 imaging instrument
GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200 cell imaging systems offer a unique solution for high-content screening (HCS) and high-content analysis (HCA). The IN Cell Analyzer 2000/2200 is a flexible, modular, cellular and subcellular imaging system for fast, automated imaging in …
GE INCell 2000高内涵细胞成像分析系统_报价/价格/性能参数/图, 美国,通用电气,GE,IN CELL…
6 天之前 · GE INCell 2000高内涵细胞成像分析系统. 产品详细描述. IN Cell Analyzer 2000 是以金属卤素灯为荧光光源的高内涵成像分析系统,该系统的灵活性让研究人员用单个仪器就能完成过去具挑战性的实验:从研究用显微成像到高内涵筛选,从细胞器到细胞到完整生物体,从终点反应到深入细致的活细胞研究。 IN Cell Analyzer 2000 有着硬件和软件的独特组合,能够非常快速地获取图像,是筛选的理想选择。 该仪器利用六西格玛原理设计,结构坚固,能确保它在多用户环 …
GE InCell Analyzer 2500 HS - 1: Start up and perform a screen
In this guide of the Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis you will learn how to set-up and perform a simple screen on the GE InCell Analyzer 2500 HS widefield fluorescence microscope.
Cytiva(GE)IN Cell Analyzer 6500HS高内涵细胞成像分析系统
2025年3月1日 · IN Cell Analyzer 6500HS是最新一代以真正的激光为荧光光源的共聚焦型高内涵细胞成像分析系统,能够满足研究者对图像质量要求更高和定量结果更准确的需求。 IN Cell Analyzer 6500HS拥有独特的光学系统:其共聚焦光阑是可变的,类似于眼球虹膜控制的大小可变的瞳孔;感光成像采用了新一代科研级sCMOS技术。 IN Cell Analyzer 6500HS能够为不同要求的实验提供成像速度和图像质量的优化组合。 IN Cell Analyzer 6500 HS能够根据不同的实验需求提供 …
content assays and screens. Featuring a novel and proprietary optical system that incorporates an iris-like variable aperture design and next-generation sCMOS technology, IN Cell Analyzer 6000 enables you to optimize for speed and image quality in chal.